Chapter 5: Under Wraps

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"So, let me get this straight," Sampson sighs as we sit at a lunch table and solemnly eat lunch together, "Valerian and Veddrian just showed up out of nowhere and happen to be team red, which is a color our guild was missing. Then, because they happen to be the top ranked among all of us, they kick everyone down a spot and change who people are teamed with, against Skye's wishes. Additionally, they killed an elder dragon when they weren't supposed to and therefore voided the money we were supposed to be given, and they also made me and Katiana stuck with Graven and Alkali. Am I missing anything or is that all of the tea that I'd like to spit out?"

"That's pretty much it," Katiana sighs dejectedly, "aside from what happened to Drusilla last night. We still don't know who did that, but it was strange how they said the attacker came from nowhere and then Valerian and Veddrian, both extremely lethal, came along today out of nowhere."

"Do you really think they'd do something like that though?" Miles frowns, his eyebrows furrowed, "they don't exactly come across as friendly or easy to deal with, but they don't seem like they'd purposefully attack other Vanguards."

"You often see the good in people," Katiana smiles sadly at Miles, "I don't know if that's a strength or if it will be your downfall."

"Where do you think they came from?" I whisper as I glance over at them, spotting them standing by the lunch line.

"Who knows," Sampson snorts, "but they almost seem as arrogant as Graven and Alkali. I say we're all utterly screwed. I can work with other people if I have to, sure, but Graven and Alkali just don't listen. Everyone knows that."

"Trust me, I share your sentiments," Katiana sighs and stirs her spoon around in her chocolate pudding aimlessly, "I wanted to yell at Veddrian and Valerian back then, but I figured I'd just be wasting my voice and they weren't worth it anyway. But Graven and Alkali, I'll tell them off any day, any time, any way."

"Hey," I smile softly at them and they all pause to look at me, "no matter what happens, we'll always be there for each other. We can always hang out on deck and we can still quest together sometimes, we just...won't be on most quests together anymore. But that won't change how we are with each other. So, let's try and make the best of what we've got, yeah? I know it sucks, but we can't really change it."

"Celes is right," Miles sighs, "we'll just have to make do with what we've got."

"Of course we'll always have each other," Katiana smiles warmly and exchanges a friendly glance with Sampson, " careful around team red, okay? I don't know how I feel about them yet, especially with what happened to Drusilla."

"Agreed," Sampson nods.

"Yeah," Miles says and exchanges a glance with me, "we'll be careful."

"You two be careful with Graven and Alkali, too," I add and Katiana snorts.

"Trust me, I think we'll be able to keep them in line," Katiana chuckles, "it'll just be...rather vexing."

"I can't wait," Sampson groans and throws his head back as he flops his back against his chair.

"You could always remind them that you're a rank above them," Miles smirks coyly and Katiana grins.

"I like the way you think, Caux," Katiana continues to beam and Sampson's lips twitch mischievously.

"Hey, Celes," Miles starts after we eat for a few minutes.

"Hmm?" I hum as I eat another piece of salad, glancing over at him from the corner of my eye before turning to face him.

"Up for training after lunch?" he asks and I nod.

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