Chapter 11: It Won't Stop

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Renae POV:

I'm getting ready to hit the strip club tonight to do my thing and get my money updated. While I'm getting ready, Christian is just sitting on the bed staring at me. This creep though. "What you lookin' at?" I asked looking at him through the mirror. "You." He answered smoothly. I grinned and laughed to myself. He ain't never gonna be able to forget about me. Neva that! "Oh really? I didn't seem to notice." I said sarcastically. His head hung down and he chuckled. Christian is cute and all but, he's just a toy for me. There's this one guy I met down at the strip joint a couple of nights ago. He came by to look for some girls who would be perfect for this photoshoot. Something about Victoria's Secret? Anyways, we talked or whatever, and he was maddd cute! Like fire sexy! His eyes were this type of grey-ish brown. Like a faded type brown. But he was... on point with hiisself! I wonder if he's gonna drop by again today.. Imma be like "Excuse me! I'm looking for my future husband. His name is Dean." Yep, Dean. Such a cute name for a damn hot guy! Dean and Renae Patterson. I can't wait to see him again! But I gotta get rid of this Christian first.. 😒.

Idalis POV:

After the photoshoot I grabbed my jacket and called Romeo to come and get me since it was getting late. "You need a ride?" A voice asked. It was Dean. "No, thanks. My husband is coming to get me in a few." "Oh." He sounded pretty defeated. "Yeah, but thanks though." "No problem. It's cool." You sure? 'Cause it seems like something is ticking you off about it. "Oh okay." I waited for Romeo at the door and got inside the car when he pulled up. I waved good-bye to Dean and we drove off. "Who's the guy?" Romeo asked after kissing my lips. "Oh that's the photographer. His name is Dean." "Cool. How was the photoshoot?" "It was amazing. I did a pretty good job posing." "I bet you did." I laughed. We stopped at a red light and I showed him the duplicated photos that Dean gave me. "Whoa." I laughed as I watched Romeo look through the pictures with his mouth open. The light turned green and he didn't seem to notice. "Babe, the light turned green." "I- Oh right. The... the light." He stammered. We continued driving and I knew he was getting ready to tell me something. "You sure that was you?" "Yes, that was me." "Damn Ma. You look hot." "Thank you." "They made you look type different though." "Yeah that was the makeup." "Oh." "Yup." He looked at me and bit his lip. "No, Romeo we not doing it tonight." "Aw, why not?" "You had enough candy already." "But I want more." "No because you get hyper." "And so what? Besides, you can't tell me what to do. You bow down to me, Ma!" I glared at him and he parked the car. I got out of the car and ran into the house knowing that he was running behind me. "You can't hide from me. I hope you know that." "We're not doing it tonight!" "Shutup, it's what I say! Yo soy el Rey de la casa!" "Rey my ass." "What?" I booked it into the room and I think I did a cartwheel over the bed. That was random. "What you said?" He was coming near me. "I didn't say anything!" "Come over here." "Make me." "Don't make this harder than it already is." "I'm waiting." My smart hard-to-get mouth isn't helping me in this situation. He picked me up from the floor and threw me on the bed, unbuttoning my jacket like there was no tomorrow. Ugh, here comes the treasure hunt game and the Civil War begins now.

Rochely POV:

I was watching the TLC: CrazySexyCool Story when Robert came in with Janelly. Yeah, I gave him a copy of the house keys just in case. "Mommy!" Janelly squealed running to me. "Hey baby. Did you have fun?" I asked her. "Yeah, we did so much stuff!" I was happy that she was happy. Then Robert snuck up behind me and pulled a strand of my hair. "What the- Oh. Hey." I said. "Hey." He smiled. "Jay, go get ready to take your bath. I'm gonna go turn on the water in a bit." I told Janelly. "Okay, mommy!" She giggled running upstairs. "I had a really great time with her." Robert started telling me. "Yeah, I see. She seems really happy about it. I have to say, i'm quite impressed." I bit my bottom lip. "I'm trying Rochely." "I know you are. I really do." He looked down at the floor. "Hold on, i'm gonna go turn on the water for her." I said walking upstairs. "Mommy, can you put my bubbles in the water?" "Yeah hold on." I turned on the water and put the drain thingy to make the water flood in the tub. Then I poured some of Janelly's Bubble Guppies bubble bath soap in the water. "Yay!" She screamed. I smiled. I turned off the water once it reached the usual level for Janelly and let her pretend to be Ariel the Mermaid. "Call me when you want to come out." "Okay mommy." I went back downstairs and Robert had taken off his shirt. 😳 Jesus Christ! I sat back down on the couch trying not to let my body temperature affect my attitude. "I should go." He finally said, breaking the 5-minute awkward silence. "No! Um, I mean... no, Robert. I- I actually want you.. to stay here with me." I hesistated. He looked at me. "You serious?" "Yeah... positive." I couldn't help myself so I leaned over and kissed his lips letting his hands roam around on my waist. "I thought you would never come around." He whispered. "I didn't make any promises saying that I wouldn't." I smiled and we kept on kissing. It felt right. Him kissing my neck and touching my back. We didn't get too intimate because Janelly started yelling my name. Ugh. "I'll be right back." I said getting off of Robert. "Don't take too long, now." He winked at me. "I won't." I winked back. I ran upstairs and took Lil Mermaid out of the tub. "Mommy, are you and Daddy back together now?" She looked into my eyes. She called Robert 'Daddy'! "Yes, baby girl. We are. Forever." I smiled. "Like the King and Queen lived happily after ever?" I laughed. "Baby, it's 'Happily Ever After'." "Mommy, I was close enough." She giggled. I nodded. "Happily ever after."

Robert POV:

Rochely hadn't changed a bit. She's still a good kisser 😏. I watched as she came back down in her mini night dress, the red one. She looks good in red. "Miss me?" She asked. "Yeah. I thought you said you wouldn't take long." "Sorry, I had to tuck her in." "Now that you're back, why don't you come here?" "Gladly." I pulled her on top of me and kissed her shoulders. The same soft body as before. And she still smells like vanilla. She started rubbing on my chest and kissing my lips. I just had to carry her upstairs to the room. You know, show her who's Daddy. And yes... I wrapped it up. It's about to go down😏.

Nicole POV:

I found it pretty weird that Robert didn't come home yet. Then that's when I remembered. He went over to Rochely's house to hang with Janelly. He probably just stayed the night over. But Rochely... Let Robert sleep over her house? Nahhh... Too good to be true. Hold up... That could possibly be the case..😳 "Mommy, am I going to school tomorrow?" Elaine asked me. "Yes Elaine. Why?" "Oh nothing. Yes! I get to see my baby!" She whispered. "What? See your what?!" "Um.. nothing. I said see my cakey. See, look I got a cakey!" "Mhmm.. I heard you little girl! You too young to have a boyfriend, Elaine!" "Ughh.. Here we go." She muttered. This lil' girl think she grown. When she get a good butt whoopin', then we gonna see wassup!

Then Brandon came in with Angel. He took her to meet his mom today. "Hey baby." He said coming to kiss me. "Hey." I said flatly. As he put Angel down and hugged Elaine, I crossed my arms and he looked at me. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Are you sure you had nothing going on with that Victoria?" "Baby! Nothing went on between us!" "Brandon, it's best if you tell me the truth." "Oh so now i'm lying?" "I never said you were." "But I am telling you the truth babe! You don't believe me, that's it!" "Elaine, take Angel upstairs please." I watched as the girls went upstairs in silence and I glared at Brandon. "All I want to know is why she sent you those pictures. And why is she saying that her baby is also yours?!" "Nicole, it's not true. She's crazy! I would nev-" "You know what, this is too much. I'm really tired right now Brandon. Goodnight." "Really? So you just gonna leave it like that?" "What exactly are you telling me then?! That doesn't do anything but make me think more about you having an affair with this girl!" "I'm going for a drive." He grabbed the car keys from the hook and walked out the door. I love him, I really do, but this is way too much to sink in. What if that baby really is his? I don't even wanna know the truth anymore. I have a gut feeling that it just might hurt.

Geoffrey POV:

I called Idalis' phone more than once and she didn't answer. The only thing that was on my mind during the rest of the night was her. I can't seem to get her out of my head. It's hard. I went out for a walk to try and forget about it but I couldn't. Then I saw two white headlights come my way and I saw a gun being pointed at me through a window. The car slowed down when it reached me. I began to say something b-

Renae POV:

Unfortunately, Dean didn't show up tonight but as I was walking to catch a taxi, I saw someone laying on the floor. I got closer to the body and once I saw the face, the guy's face was handsome. I tapped him on the shoulder and he didn't move. I tried shaking him and he still didn't move. I felt his neck and he wasn't breathing. Oh my God. "SOMEBODY HELP! PLEASE! THIS MAN HAS BEEN SHOT!" I yelled repeatedly. I quickly took out my phone and called the ambulance. Once they took him to the hospital the nurses did everything they could to help him. Apparently, he was shot in his leg. "Do you know this man?" The nurse asked me. I shook my head. "I just saw him on my way home. I didn't see anyone else, though." "Well, he'll be out in a few weeks. Maybe more than a few." Oh, no. Why the cute ones always have to get hurt? I called Dean and told him what happened. Hopefully, my future man can come and keep me company. 😏.

Dean POV:

Renae told me about this dude who got shot not too long ago. I made my way to the hospital and went inside the same room they were in. 107. "Is he alright?" I asked. Renae only bit her lip at me. "Yeah, he's fine." Is she flirting with me? I hope not! I looked at the name tag at the end of the bed and it said, "Geoffrey Royce Rojas." Idalis might know who this guy is. I think. I took a picture of it and sent it to her and texted her what happened. I tried calling but she never answered. Hopefully she gets my text. "Let's step out for a while Dean." Renae says twirling her hair. Atleast I think that's her hair. "No, i'll stay here." "Oh then i'll stay with you." "Um. Okay." Ignoring Renae, I went through the pictures I took of Idalis at the photoshoot. I sent them over to my phone from the computer. She's beautiful. I could feel Renae watching me but I really didn't care.

Renae POV:

That's Rochely's sister he's looking at!😡. I never met her before but I just know she's Rochely's sister. Oh nuh uh. I ain't gonna let this heffa take Dean from me! It's competition now, trick!

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