Chapter 7: Breathing Back to Reality Again.

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Rochely POV:

"Did you talk to her?" Nicole had asked me. I nodded my head but I was mad. "She was acting so damn ungrateful!" "How?" "I was trying to help her, and she comes at me like 'whatever' so I got up and left! Seemed to me, like she knew what she was doing!" "Oh wow." I rolled my eyes in frustration. "She's my little sister! I can't have her keep doing this! Creeping with other guys when she's drunk especially when she's not drunk!" Nicole bit her lip. "Idalis is really pretty if you asked me. I-" "She's more than just pretty she's just.. damn!" Robert yelled from upstairs. "Shutup you bastard!" Nicole snapped. "Anyways, she's an attractive example for guys you know?" "My God, you sound like my mother." I rolled my eyes. She laughed. "I'm serious, Rochely. That's probably why she's in situations like this. The fact that she's pretty is what attracts the guys." I bit my lip this time. Just as I was about to say something to her, my phone started flashing a number I hadn't saved.

Me: Hello?

???: Rochely! It's Geoffrey, you have to come to the hospital, like right now.

Me: Why?

???: I'll explain once you get here. It's Idalis.

Me: Oh my God.. *hangs up*

"Nicole, let's go!!" "What happened?" "Idalis is in the hospital!!" "She's where?!?" Robert yelled. "YOU STAY HERE!" We snapped. "No, It's about Idalis so i'm going!" He was already downstairs. We had no choice but to let him come with us.

Robert POV:

Damn, Idalis is in the hospital. I really hope she's alright.. The girls haven't said nothing to me during the whole car ride to the hospital. Rochely is crying while driving and she's mad as hell. Nicole was in the passenger's seat praying with her head in her hands. I swear, she talks to God once in awhile. And this is the once in a while. She's a God child when she feels like it. Every other day, I live with a diabolical child.

We reached the hospital and got out of the car at the same time. Rochely was speed walking into the entrance and Nicole was right behind her.

I rushed in front of them and went up to the main desk. I asked the lady that was sitting at the desk if Idalis was alright. She was banging fine, but not as fine as Idalis 😏. "Idalis Alvarez?" She asked. I nodded. Rochely pushed me and asked, "What room is she in?!" "What is your relation to her?" "Just tell us the room please! She's my sister!" "Room 102. Straight down the second door on the left." Without saying anything we all rushed to room 102. Idalis was laying on the bed with her eyes closed.. and marks on her arms..

Rochely POV:

I was crying more once I saw her. "What happened to her?!" I cried. "She was cutting herself. I was on my way to her house and I realized she left the house door open.. I walked in calling out her name with no answer. Once I walked upstairs, Ivory was sleeping on the bed.. I heard crying in the bathroom. I opened the door and it was too late.. she was almost done cutting her arms. I tried to take the blade from her but she wouldn't let me. Her last words were, ' I just want everyone out of my ear.' " Tears were slowly rolling down his dimple filled cheeks. Me and Nicole had already bursted out into tears. I honestly felt stupid. I didn't know she was going to do this to herself!

Nicole POV:

Why Idalis? Why would you do that? "She's almost running out of blood." The nurse said coming from behindthe curtains. I can't be in here anymore! God forbid, this girl dies.. she has two kids! I cupped my mouth and I just had to get out of the room. I don't want to hear the bad news.

Rochely POV:

"What do you mean she's losing blood? No! She can't be!" I sobbed. "Miss, she has a total of 84 cuts on her arm, that's almost enough to lose your blood. She cut her arms pretty deeply." The nurse added. I shook my head in disbelief. She can't be losing blood! "Is there anything we ca-" Robert was about to say something until all eyes went to the door. Papá. "I'll give my blood to her." He said. "And you are, Sir?" The nurse asks. "Her father. I was here when she was first brought in earlier." "Oh yes. Sorry. Will you all excuse us please?" Papá coughed. He kissed me on my forehead as I walked out and told me, "Todo va estar bien, Angelita." I only hoped so. We all walked out of the room.

Robert POV:

At this point, I regret everything , except the night I had with Idalis... Alright fine.. i'll regret that too 😒. I will admit, though, she's the one i'm seriously on to. She's beautiful, funny, assertive, creative, and I ain't gonna lie but shawty got swag too. When that Romeo don't act the way he should with her, she better hit me up. I'm trying to think positive right now 'cause her old man in there, giving her his blood. Now what if nothing turns out right? - knocks on wood-

Geoffrey POV:

Idalis.. por favor... Don't go. Please.. You have your daughter, your son and your husband.. They need you. And I need you too, Ma. *whispers to Ivory* "Your mommy is gonna be fine, baby."

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