Chapter 3: Forgetting to Remember Part 2

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After Ivory's appointment I went to go dropped Ivory off at Rochely's house and we went shopping for clothes. "So Robert spoke to you, huh?" "Yeah. Everything I told you was exactly what he said." "That's crazy. Listen, I told you about him. He has the word 'dangerous' written all over his forehead! Whatever you do, make sure it's not with him. Okay?" I nodded. Nicole came up to me with a red mini dress. "I found something for you, isn't it cute?" "It's a bit too sexy... I love it!" We laughed. We got our clothes and everything else we needed and went to the house to change. Christian and Robert were there watching TV while Janelly and Ivory were playing around. "Hi guys!" Rochely yelled. "Hey babe." Christian said. "Hey you." Robert murmured.

We took our showers upstairs and got ready after. I slipped into my mini red dress and my black heels. I left my hair down and put on my silver hoop earrings with my silver juicy couture necklace. I applied my makeup on my face and my red lip gloss.

It seemed like I was the first to finish because the girls hadn't came out the bathrooms yet. So I went downstairs into the kitchen. "Titi! You look sezzy!" Janelly squealed. "Thank you baby girl." "You welcome." In the corner of my eyes I saw Christian point in my direction for Robert to see me. I had my back towards them. I felt his eyes all over my back side. Finally, saving my life, the girls came down and I came out of the kitchen. "Zayuuuum!!!" Rochely and Nicole both said at the same time. I laughed. " Oh okay, Idalis I see you!" Nicole told me. "Can we go please? Ya making my cheeks hurt." I chuckled. I heard Robert murmur something under his breath that made Christian laugh. "What was that Robert?" I asked walking up to him. He looked me up and down. "Nothing." He answered smoothly. Once I turned my back to meet with the girls at the door, the boys high fived eachother. Weirdos.

We got in a cab and drove down to the DK9 club. I heard the music blasting. "Aw, it's LITT!" Nicole yelled. We got out and walked inside the club. "Drinks please!" Rochely squealed. "Turn up!" Nicole laughed. "Count me out, i'm not drinking tonight." I said. "Girl please! You are drinking tonight!" Rochely snapped. The girls tugged my arm to the bar and we sat down. "What can I get for you ladies?" the bartender asked. "3 exclusive vodkas! Oh and don't be too shy on the liquor or the alcohol." Rochely winked at him and he smiled. Suddenly someone taps my shoulder. I turned around and it was Geoffrey. My heart stopped for a second. "Hey." He said biting his lip. The girls were watching us. "Hi." I answered. "You look sexy tonight." "Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." What?! "Thanks." I took my drink from the table and swallowed it down in one gulp. That one was strong! "You wanna dance?" Geoffrey asked. "Let's go." I took his hand and I looked back at the girls. They looked at me like 😳😳😳😳. I laughed and danced with Mr. Prince Royce. I felt his hands rubbing against my waist. The drink was starting to get to my head. I didn't care. I felt type tipsy. I danced all night and I was drinking all night. I think I was the drunkie out of the three of us girls. We didn't go home until like 3 in the morning. It was still dark outside though.

"Girl, you went all out at the club!" Nicole told me as she was holding my left side. "Dios mio, I forgot she acts out when she's drunk." Rochely muttered sucking her teeth. We walked into the house and Robert and Christian were still up. Another dude was there too but I didn't know who it was. Rochely kissed Christian and Nicole kissed the dude sitting next to Robert. I guess that's her boyfriend? As I was walking I fell in front of the steps and laughed at myself. "Is she okay?" Robert asked. "She's drunk.. So are we!" Nicole laughed. The guys looked at eachother. "BANG TIME!" they said. Nicole and her boyfriend went upstairs, Rochely and Christian stayed downstairs and Robert came and helped me up from the floor. "You alright?" "Yeah" I dangled over to the side laughing. "Your so freaking cute!" "Thanks." "Where are we going?" "Upstairs." "For what. 😂😂😂" "To play a game." "Ooh! I love games! Is this one fun?" "Yeah.. Really, really fun." Robert smirked. We got into the empty room upstairs and he laid me on the bed. I chuckled. "I like this game already.." "Yeah?" "Mhmm.." "You a freak?" "I don't know. You're just gonna have to find out." He bit his lips and I motioned him to come to the bed with my finger and the lights turned off.

I got on top of him and started kissing him. He had already taken off my dress. I felt his hands rubbing my back, my waist and my butt. He kissed up on it and soft moans escaped from my mouth (They used protection). "You like that?" he whispered in my ear. "Mhmm.." I was still drunk from the drinks I had at the club and this game felt so good yet so wrong for some odd reason. I can't seem to remember. We started getting rough and the moans went up to screaming. We didn't stop until 7 a.m.. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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