Chapter 5: Queen Karma

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I pushed Robert off of me and ran after Nicole. I was still in my bra and panties and I caught her in the middle of the hallway getting ready to run downstairs. I grabbed her arm. "I'm telling!" She yelled. "No don't tell Rochely. You can't tell her." "And why not?" "Because, she'll take it the wrong way, it wasn't what it looked like." "Yeah. Sure. I'm not stupid! Last night was different because you were drunk! Right now, you're not and you just can't keep your hands off of him!" "No, Nicole. He couldn't take his hands off me. I kept telling him to stop but he would never listen!" "You should've defended yourself.. That's no excuse. This has to stop.. ASAP!" She twisted her arm out of my grip and shook her head running downstairs. "ROCHELY!!" "WHAT?!" "Come with me, This one is important." I put my head in my hands, turned back to the room and put my clothes on. I walked passed Robert and he grabbed me, slapped my butt and squeezed it. I turned around and slapped him across his face. "You jerk!" He grabbed my wrist...tightly. I moaned in pain. "Listen, if I can't have you, then no one can." He said. "Robert, you're hurting my wrist! Please, let go!" "Did you hear what I just said?" "YES! LET GO!" "Tell me you love me first." "I HATE YOU!" I kicked him in the balls and ran downstairs.

Everyone looked at me. They must've already found out. "Idalis!" Robert yelled from on top of the steps. I picked up Ivory and we went home. I put Ivory in her crib and went to take a shower. I cried and cried all night until I got a headache. Then, Geoffrey was calling me. I answered.

Royce😁: Hola linda.

Me: Hey

Royce😁: You okay?

Me: Yeah.. i'm fine.

Royce😁: It don't sound like it. Something is bothering you. Dime.

Me: It's nothing.. I'm fine.

Royce😁: I know we're not together anymore, but I know you. When something is bothering you and you don't want to say nothing, you always say everything is fine. Tell me.

Me: I don't want to talk about it..

Royce😁: Please, tell me.. Idalis, it won't help if you kept it to yourself.

Me: ... My friend's brother was trying to have sex with me and she caught us. Then she went and told Rochely, my older sister. Now everyone knows and think that me and him have something going on. But we don't! I'm happily married with Romeo!

Royce😁: It's alright, I believe you.

Me: You're just saying that to be nice.

Royce😁: No i'm serious. You're a very very, beautiful, attractive, sexy, smart, funny, and creative woman. Who wouldn't wanna try and have sex with you? Honestly, I would've done the same without getting caught.

Me: *chuckles* Thank you.. *sighs* Well i'm gonna go and sleep now. Talk to you some other time.

Royce😁: Cuidate belleza.

Me: Okay.

Royce😁: Goodnight.

Me: Goodnight.

I hung up the phone and looked up at the ceiling. I officially made out with Robert last night and got caught with him in the morning. I really don't want Romeo to find out about this.. I don't. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


" If I can't have you, then no one can."

" Honestly, I would've done the same without getting caught."

"Robert, we can't be doing this. I can't be doing this!"

"No one has to know, Idalis."



"Baby girl, don't do it..."

"I love you.."


"Make it stop!" I screamed as I jumped up in my bed. All the words I couldn't take them anymore! Then I remembered what it was that made me feel so guilty..

" I will not be with another man behind Romeo's back! I will not!"

I realized.. I realized that I had broken a promise I made to myself without knowing. Karma came after me as soon as that Vodka went in my mouth..

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