1 ⦻ Spooky Octostick Man Breaks Into Your House

Start from the beginning

"She won't like it either if you send me to school and then gets a call later saying she needs to come pick me up for me throwing up or something."

I forgot to dial back the attitude on that one, so before he could scold me, I pretend to erupt into a coughing fit and lurch as if my stomach were paining me.

For a second, I spot a concerned look dawn on his face, and I knew that my plan had worked. "Alright alright kid, you can stay home. Just....try to stay in bed, okay? Don't go spreading whatever you've got all over the place...I'll be right back, I'm gonna call your mother."

I nod, and my dad removes himself from my bedside, heading out of the room. Once he shuts the door behind him. I literally spring out of the covers and jump up and down on my bed like a madman.

It's like all the energy I was lacking before suddenly came rushing in and sent me into an excited outburst. I wasn't even tired anymore, just glad as heck I didn't have to go to that hellhole for another day.

Once I tired celebrating, I plop back in bed and grab my cellphone from the dresser. I was gonna spend my "sick day" streaming some movies and TV shows and maybe gorging myself with anything I find in the refrigerator.

I grab my headphones, then hop on to Netflix/YouTube and start watching (favorite movie/tv/anime). I was just getting into the show when the door to my room opens again and my dad is back. I throw my whole body on the phone to hide it and go back into sick mode, whining in dismay and coughing.

"I called your mom," Dad sighed, "she approves you staying home as long as you're not playing around or anything. She says you'd best be trying to get better so you can return to school tomorrow."

"...Of course I'm not faking! I'm clearly miserable father..."

My Dad somewhat smirks and shakes his head. It was as if he figured I was faking. "So you say, (L/N). But I'm going to be heading off to work in a bit so you're taking care of yourself today. Just keep the house in tact at least, if you're planning on doing something..."

With that, he turned and left my room again. I grin a bit after he was gone, then pull back out my phone. I just won myself an extra day off from school, and I felt great about it. I was going to try and make it last, as long as I possibly could.

I was ready to return to watching my stuff, although hesitated a bit before I pressed play.
Something...deep down told me that I should probably tell my dad goodbye before he left, but I didn't want to get out of bed and completely fuck up my plans to stay home. Wasnt a big deal anyways, I was gonna see him later when he got home.

I shook off the weird feeling and decided to relax and enjoy my freedom. I go back to binge watching whatever.

I sat there for a while, probably an hour just relaxing and messing with my phone, when the screen suddenly staggers a bit and it quickly switched to that complete black and white static screen you'd normally see on a TV, yet without the sound. I frown when I see my screen like that; I haven't recalled even touching the screen for a while so how was this happening and what was going on with it?

I begin tapping the screen irritatedly when I notice the white and black static becoming a bit transparent. As it did so, I noticed scrawled white text barely visible within the blurry effects, and I squint my eyes as I tried to read what it said.

I̷t̷ w̷o̷u̷l̷d̷'v̷e̷ b̷e̷e̷n̷ w̷i̷s̷e̷ o̷f̷ y̷o̷u̷ t̷o̷ h̷a̷v̷e̷ g̷o̷n̷e̷ t̷o̷ s̷c̷h̷o̷o̷l̷...

......Ok what are you phone, my mom?..

I let out a confused grunt as I kept staring at the phone screen, and pulled myself back a bit from craning my neck to look at it. Only but a few seconds after I had read the text, the full on black and white static takes over again, and this time, the noise you'd hear from the TV is included.

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