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from the short lifetime that i have been on this earth, i sure have learnt a lot of things.

sure , i can take a bus to the next city, and give up my chair to a small, elderly woman with heavy shopping bags to save her standing up throughout her entire journey.
i know to take three left turns  and two right turns when walking, to see if a person behind me is following.
i can even count to ten in 6 different languages (cool, I know).
but there is still so much that i need to learn in order to get through the rest of my unknown lifetime.

there comes a point in your life where you become mature enough to realise that people aren't all they seem to be. if someone has committed a crime, usually they have a background of abuse , or trauma, before committing the act.
if somebody feeds off of other peoples attention , does crazy things for other people's validation etc,  they probably had a lack of both whilst growing up.
and of course, seemingly the most known , yet most ignored part of basic human psychology is that usually when somebody perceives to have the strongest , most impermeable exterior, usually , they are hiding their true selves behind a mask. there are a million and one reasons that a person would choose to do that, and there is a million minus one that i can say i definitely don't know.
but i can say that i know that one reason.
through a strange twist of fate,destiny, or just sheer luck , i don't know, but there is one thing i do know within these constant unanswered questions.
and that is him.

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