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Forgetting the fact that you are the only one without a partner, your body seems to refuse to get the moves of this choreography right! It's not even that hard, but the intense staring of your teacher doesn't help you one bit. He snickers or smirks in your direction every time your foot slips or if you don't get a body roll just the way he showed you. He rolls his eyes when you glare at him or laughs when you huff in frustration. It's a bit harder without a partner, but you try to mold the couple choreography to only one dancer.

'Okay, class. I think we are done for today. See you next time!'

His smile is so sweet it could fool anyone. The truth is you find your dance teacher extremely attractive. He's hot and that's a known fact. But he also likes to tease you and sabotage your dance from time to time only to look at you with that angelic smile like he hasn't done anything wrong.

'(Y/N), a word before you leave, please?'

Of course, he wants to talk to you before you leave. You put down your water bottle and walk the few steps to the front of the class where he is. After everyone left, he closes the door and turns to you.

'What happened to you today? It doesn't take you that long to get a dance.'

You sit down on the floor, your feet hurting a little from dancing and you look up at him.

'If I knew, I'd tell you. I guess I'm just tired.'

Something is different about him today. You can't exactly put your finger on it, but he seems different somehow. When he would usually throw a flirty remark at you before leaving now he doesn't do that.

'Want to talk about it?'

'Neah... just life messing with me a bit. I'll be fine.' He nods and after seeming to think for a second, he extends his hand to you.

'Come on'

'What are you doing?'

'Teaching you how to dance.'

He scoops you up to your feet and hits play on the remote of the stereo system. Justin Bieber's 'Company' starts playing again after two hours of being on repeat. Jimin positions you in front of the mirror and himself behind you and starts guiding your hips to the beat of the music. With him by your side the steps seem to come easier, the moves flow naturally with him. A partner in this dance really makes a difference, yet you don't really know if this is easier because you have a partner or because you have Jimin as your partner.

You both move in sync with each other. There was a part in the choreography where you have to grind your hips to his meaning you will have to get even closer to him and given the attraction you feel towards him and slight sexual tension between the two of you that was a 'no'. You take a sudden turn and move towards the wall to lean against it for a second but Jimin doesn't seem phased by your change of the original choreography. He follows you and traps you with his hands against your head.

'It ain't about the complications/ I'm all about the elevation/ We can keep it goin' up/ Oh, don't miss out on us.' He whispers the lyrics in your ears making sure to stress each of the last five words. He keeps getting closer to you, leaning his forehead against yours for a second before capturing your lips between his. You stay frozen in shock for a couple seconds until Jimin moves his hand to your nape and tries to make you respond and deepen the kiss. Your instinct kicks in and you kiss him back but it doesn't take you long to remember where you are and who is kissing you.

'I can't do this.' You break apart from him and proceed to move away but he grabs your wrist and pulls you back into his chest.

'What are you doing, Jimin?' Without giving you an answer, he kisses you again keeping you from running away. You try to resist him, but eventually give in and kiss him back. You really can't resist him, can you? After a few seconds he pulls away and stares you right in the eyes.

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