[66] The pedo bear demon

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It was the first round lof my duo que, the stage was [graveyard] and for some shady coincidence, my enemy was none other then Mr. Pedo bear and Edgelord wanna be.

"Where za lolis at?" Loren looked around for a moment.

"Well technically I am a Toli, a tall loli." Lili said with one hand on her chest proudly.

"Huh." Loren paused for a moment. "I like this one. You wanna be my daughter?"

"Sure." Lili shrugged.

I did a mental face palm that went into the next dimension.

"Well, I don't wanna kill my daughter, so I will leave her to you Shin. I will take care of the rice farmer." Loren said, turning his focus to me.

I couldn't help but chuckle at that one.

"Alright just do me a favour a die already." Loren said, his shadow towering over me. And in response, I drew out my sword.

"A sword huh?" Loren paused to look. "I will help you shove it right up your ass." A shadow grew across Loren's forehead.

I poised myself with sword angling forward.

"I Loren, am the demon lord of madness! And I accept your challenge puny kin!"

I stepped forward and swung my sword in a wide arc, aiming right for its head, but instead of dodging, he caught the blade right between his teeth. I tried to pull it away, but it just wouldn't budge. At that point, I wasn't sure if I wanted it back as the entire body of the blade was covered in blood and saliva.


The blade shattered into a million bits of pieces. Causing me to fall back right onto my butt from the momentum I been trying to pull it out.

"BLAHAHAHHAAHHHAA!" Loren screamed as he spat a mouthful of metal bits and blood onto me.
"Now I will rip open your ashol and dance on your grand mother's corpse!"

"What?" I narrowed my eyes.


"This is why you don't do drugs kids." I jumped back and readied my broken sword again.

"Did someone say drugs? They call me captain cocaine for a reason! In fact I robbed a truck full of it last week..."

Despite how high pedo bear maybe, that bite force was not to be taken slightly...

I looked down at my sword, which was now reduced to a broken stub.

My sword will be restored once outside, but...If I engage in a melee with him, there is no doubt he could easily rip off my arm in one bite...

Oh God help me...

I gripped my sword a little tighter.

If only there is a miracle...

Q: How far would you go to get a loli?

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