[5] Oh wait, I am still alive!?

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There were no flash backs of your entire life going through before you what so ever.

Because I am not fkin dead.

When I reopened my eyes again, the body of the blade was about an inch away from my head, and it stayed there at still as a statue.

WTF!? Eric's body seemed to say, as it pulled its blade back and stumbled backwards a few steps.

"What-ttttt...Uhhh...What was that? Rito fix your god damn game plse!" T1 yelled.


I looked at myself and I appeared to be still fully intact.

Not quite sure what just happened there, but it seemed like I got some hidden op powers...Perhaps I can even become the next anime protagonist of this world, and with this power, I will on an adventure and I will meet a bunch of friends and build a harem of my own. And by the time my power fully awakens, I will become the top of the world and become emperor of the world!...

"Huehuehue..." I let out my stereotypical hyena laugh as I crawled to my feet. "With this power..."

I pointed my hand forward towards, while covering my eye with the other.


Eric charged forward and raised his blade again.

"Yare yare daze..." I closed my eyes, and pulled my hand back in a ready to back hand position.

"DIE!" I yelled as I released my back hand, as it smacked hard against Eric chest, clearly doing no dmg.


My whole world was confused.

That's when the blade came down again.

My world went black.

Q: How often do you use Japanese phrases? 

I been teleported into a world determined by power levelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora