Chapter 9

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Paul's POV:

Words cannot explain how much I like John. When we met for the first time he was cheeky and I only liked him as a friend back then and when I saw the real him I started to like him more than a friend because of his wonderful personality and he was cute. I became somewhat of a queer but I could tell he wasn't a queer because he met Cynthia. And now that I have him I really wish I can keep him.

I hope I can.

I put my arm around John's shoulder and he smiled, Ringo and George went outside for a smoke and John and I were alone in the studio. I pressed my lips against his neck and lightly kissed it and I looked at him and I saw his face light up. I continued kissing him neck, I went up his neck until I reached his face. I kissed his lips and moved away from him. "Oh no McCartney, it's your turn now" he said with a foolish grin. I rolled my eyes with a smile and sat by him. He kissed my neck and started nimbling. I was confused but I just let him do it, I felt him sucking on my neck it was odd because I had no idea what he was doing. After two minutes he pulled back, my neck hurt, it felt swore. "What did you do Mr. Lennon?" I asked with a smirk, "Go see yourself Macca" he says with a wink. I walk up to a mirror and examined my neck, he gave me a love bite! I turned back at him and he was laying back against the chair he was biting his lip. I grinned and walked towards him and kissed him. We heard the door open. "Hide it love" he said and quickly folded my collar until it covered my neck.

Ringo and George walked in both with fags in their mouths. "I got to get on me way home so we better start writing something lads" Ringo said, John quietly hummed a beat, "Can't we skip one more day and write something tonight?" I asked. All the boys nodded in agreement and we left. John and I walked home and I saw Cynthia from far away. John was wearing his glasses so I can tell he saw her too. She was sitting on her porch as her parents were arguing outside. John turned away I could tell he was going to cry. I put my arm around him and hugged him. I turn back at Cynthia. She saw us, she glanced at us and looked at her parents and started to cry. John looked at her parents arguing and tried not to cry but he let out a few tears. It's sad to know how traumatizing it is to see your parents arguing at the age of 5 in front of you and you had to stay with one of them. John hates seeing adults arguing because it brings him back his haunting memory.

I turned to see Cynthia not outside her house nor her parents, I urged John to continue walking because we were nearly home. John put his head on my shoulder as we continued walking. When we made it home John went straight to our room and slammed the door and locked it. "John" I said against the door, "Johnny open it up please." I heard him murmuring things to himself he was going to go mad. I sat down on our couch and let John do his thing. I heard a bang and him yelling and another bang. I gazed off and thought, "do I really want to be in this? well of course you do you really like him don"t you. Don't give up now Macca" I closed my eyes and fell asleep on the couch.

I woke up to a big bang on the wall, it was bigger than I've ever heard before, I was concerned. Usually John would yell how stupid he was but instead it was silence. I ran to the door, "John?.... *scilence*.......John!" I banged on the door and still silence. I kicked the door off and looked around he was lying on the floor almost lifeless. I ran and called the hospital. I stay by John and slowly stroked his hair and someone knocked on the door. I opened it and to my surprised it was Cynthia.

"Hey is John here?" she asked looking around the apartment. "Yeah but u-" I was interrupted when the paramedics finally came. "Where is he?" they asked. I pointed towards my room and they rushed in there.

Cynthia and I sat in the waiting room, "Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with him" Cynthia joked, I didn't laugh. I felt really bad for John because he's going through a lot and it's too much to handle. George and Ringo came in the waiting room. "Is he alright?" George asked, "y-" I said before Cynthia interrupted, "yeah he's fine it's just he hit so hard on the wall he passed out" I glanced at her and she looked at me I roll my eyes and look straight at his room. My leg was shaking like crazy, George and Ringo were comforting me and not Cynthia. George only rubbed her back.

They finally let George, Ringo, Cynthia, and I in the room, John was awake he looked at me and looked down, he looked.... Ashamed. He put his head down and I put his chin up with my two fingers to raise his head. I smiled then kissed him, I pulled apart and looked at Cynthia, she was surprised. George closed her mouth with his finger on her jaw, "I know right?" He said. Cynthia got up and left the room. I guess she doesn't approve.


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