Chapter 18 (the end)

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Later on after the performance Brian had threw a party for us, before I went, I grabbed Paul aside, sitting at the venue. Although the seats were disgustingly wet, we got a towel like thing and sat on it, starring at the stage I told Paul "you are aware that I love you?" He nodded "and I am with you" , "but Paul I don't think you're aware that I want to spend the rest of my life with you" I said, I uncomfortably managed to get on one knee. I grabbed the ring from my pocket. I opened the box before him "would you like to spend it with me?" I saw the tears start to fill his eyes, he began to nod slowly then really fast. He grasped me then kissed me "yes" he whispered, "yes John!" He yelled I grab his cheeks and began to wipe his tears. "Don't cry love" I say as I felt water start to come in my eyes. Surprisingly we were in each other's arms kissing. He wiped his tears and grabbed the ring. "What's bad is that I cannot wear this in public, imagine what the people would say" he said sadly. "Oh hell what they say, wear it proudly my fiancé" I whispered in his ear. I heard a door open and in comes Brian, looking at us both I think he had a clue of what had happened. He simply just tosses his head to the way of the door, we got the clue and went.

The party was such a blur, I only remember the first 30 minutes were I was celebrating with Paul then I was dragged by Cynthia to a room, last thing I remembered was a drink, the rest, a huge blur.

Until I woke up as I appeared, naked, looking to my right I see Cynthia, naked as well, I looked at the door which was opened a small crack since I guessed either Cynthia or I put a chair there. I got up to close the door. As I was closing it I felt something his the door as it was about to shut it was a shiny silver object, I grabbed it and examined it. It was Paul's ring.

Regretfully, I ran straight to George's room "have you seen Paul?" I asked him, he looked very sleepy as Pattie was lying next to him. "Um...... I think he went to um... Where we performed last night, he said not to tell you" he said as he was rubbing his eyes. He opened them "oh John, at least put on some clothes!" George demanded me, Pattie had awoken from her sleep and saw me, she shrieked and I ran out. I quickly put on clothes and took a cabbie. When I arrived I grabbed the door. They were locked so I began to pound on them "Paul!" I shouted "Paul!!" . Silence. I was really worried. I had remembered there was a window, without thinking I ran towards it and broke it "Paul!" I yelled as I looked around. I saw him starring blankly at the stage drinking whiskey out of the bottle. I grab his arms "Paul?" I whispered. Not replying but just starring, I slapped him a couple times and nothing happened. I began to cry "Paul please respond!" I placed my hand on his heart which was still pounding. I then placed my arms around him and began to cry. "I didn't do it! It was all Cynthia! She did it! Paul I'm sorry!" I yelled as I was crying I felt his hand place on both sides of my waist he grabs them and pushes me off him. "Paul?" I questioned. He got up and walked a small distance to the broken window, "I'm tired of it..." He said calmly then yelled "I'm tired of it John! I wished you would've changed during the past year that I've been with you but now I know that I've surely wasted it! I tried my best to make this happen I-" he said and began to collapse on the floor and cried I walked up to him "Paul, if you give me a chance I'll prove that It won't happen again, either way it was Cynthia!" I said and put my arms around him. He nudged them off "how do I know you won't break that?" He asked, "I promise" I said and began to cry on his shoulder. "I'll think about it" he said and put his hand on my hair and slightly stroke it I kissed his wrist, he got up and walked out of the broken window, I sat there. I grabbed the bottle, took a sip, and sat there in my misery.

Paul's POV:
I took a cabbie to the hotel, I packet my bags and headed out, as I was walking I hear something drop, sounding like silver. I picked it up and it was my ring, I grabbed it and sat down, my hand was shaking as I looked at it, I pulled out my ring finger, I placed the ring lightly on the finger and I began to break down. Oh god John.

I heard Cynthia and Jane check out I ran up to Cynthia and said "why". She simply grabbed her bags and walked out. I followed her and asked her the same question over and over again until I yelled it which startled her. "Why!" I yelled as she got in her ride, I kicked the car and asked it again and again even when I drove off. I turn to get in the lobby and I see John near my luggage looking worried, his eyes finally met with mine he looks at my finger, placing his hands on his face he let out a sigh of relief. This ring only didn't symbolize me and John, it symbolized our struggles.

As I said on my first chapter "hey hey hey"
Really bad ending sorry :(
There will be a sequel though! Based on life afterwards of their marriage and how everything became how it's made today, Paul would be the main character though!
After I am finished with my next story I'll make the sequel!
Thanks for reading!

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