Chapter 5

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I quickly shook my head and continued walking "I didn't know how handsome Paul looked till now" I murmur. "What?" Ringo said, thanks god he didn't hear. "Oh I was just saying how beautiful it is here" I said. Nice save Lennon. "OH MY GOD THE BEATLES" I hear. "Run!" I said. Me and Ringo ran as people started to chase us. We ran in an across line which from left to right was: Me, Ringo, George, and Paul. The people started coming closer. "We can go to a store an politely ask them to close." Ringo yelled which his breath gasping for air. We ran into a bakery and closed the doors.

"Who in the?" The owner asked then glanced at us his jaw dropped and hugged Ringo. "that's a first" Ringo says and we laughed. "The Beatles! In my bakery!" The baker says and laughs. "In the flesh" George says. The baker hugged us all. "We were wondering if you can lock up the store cause of the fans" I ask politely. "Of course! Anything for you guys" he said and locked the entrance door.

I saw Paul he was eating a bread. I smiled and sat next to him. "Hey Macca" I said with a smile. He turned away from me. I put my hand on his. He turned and looked at me he took away his hand "what do you want Lennon?" He said looking angry. "I'm sorry Macca really sorry but.... Are you a um queer?" I ask. "I don't know, and your apology is accepted." He says and hands me a piece of his bread. I eat it and looked at him "I don't know if I have feelings for you Macca I'm really confused, I just...." I whispered. "I feel the same Lennon" he said and looked at me. "It's just I never thought I would've been a queer or thought of it." I said and put my hands on my face.

"Wanna try?" Paul says. "Um" I can feel my cheeks turn red. "U-" I said before I was interrupted. "I got you guys a cab, and police said they cleared all the fans" the baker says.

"Thanks Mr." George says. We started heading towards the door. "Wait. Can you guys autograph my apron?" The man asks an hands the apron to me with a marker. "Surely" I said and signed it and passed it to Paul. We all signed it and left.

We got in the cab and I quickly closed my door, we were so squished. We couldn't move, I sat next to Paul. "Hey Macca?" I whispered. "Yeah?" He says. "Yes" I whisper and grabbed his hand. Paul's cheeks immediately went red.


Long chapter

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