Chapter 9: Y/n vs. Riser's peerage

Start from the beginning

Riser - H-H-How this is happening? My pawns should be stronger than any human beings and yet this human is defeating them with ease. He said in complete shock.

Samson then looked upwards and he said,

Samson - Give up, Riser Phenex. You have no chance against me.

Riser - Never! He yelled.

Samson - Fine. Then I will go all out.

You then clenches your fists as yellow aura appeared all around on your body, meaning you transformed to Super Saiyan.

With Sirzech and the rest.

Sirzech and Sona is now feeling the pressure that Samson is producing.

Sona - Wh-What is this power? I can't sense it because he is not a devil. She said shocked.

Sirzech - I agree. Just what is he?

With Rias and the rest.

Hooded Figure 1 (Xenovia) - At last, he lets out his Saiyan powers.

Rias - Saiyan powers? What do you mean?

Hooded Figure 2 (Irina) - Samson is not a devil, he is a Saiyan.

Kiba - A Saiyan? What is that?

Hooded Figure 1 (Xenovia) - No time to explain. After the rating game, he will explain it.

Back with Samson and the others.

Samson then rushed to Shuriya at godlike speed and punch her face that sends flying across the field. But Samson is not done yet, he fired a barrage of ki blasts to Shuriya.

Shuriya then recovered quickly by back flipping and when she saw the incoming blasts, she crossed her arms to block the blasts and the blasts explodes upon contact. When the smoke is gone, her arms are now full of bruises and wounds and she is panting really hard.

Ni and Li then rushed to Super Saiyan Samson at full speed ready for a punch. Samson the grabbed Ni and Li's arms and threw them upwards and fired a One-Hand Kamehameha. Ni and Li saw the blue beam heading towards to them and so, they made a backflip to dodge the blue beam and they landed on the ground perfectly.

Super Saiyan Samson - They're fast. Not bad at all.

Ni then fired a white fireball from her hands to Super Saiyan Samson in which he swatted away with his left while Li throws a barrage of punches and kicks to Super Saiyan Samson who was only blocking the attacks with his hands.

Li - Come and fight me, you coward!

This made Super Saiyan Samson angry and he said,

Super Saiyan Samson - Who are you calling a coward, huh?! He then uppercut Li and fired a powerful ki blast to her. The powerful ki blast then hit her and that causes a large explosion. When the smoke died down, Li is falling on the ground with injuries all around om her body.

Ni - Sis!

When Li landed on the ground, she tried to get up and was stopped by Super Saiyan Samson stepped her head causing her to scream at the top of her lungs in pain.

Super Saiyan Samson - Never and I mean NEVER ever call me coward, do you understand Li?! He said full of anger on his voice.

Li - I understand. She said weakly.

Super Saiyan Samson then hardened his stomp and that causes Li to scream again in so much pain.

Ni - Samson, stop! Please don't kill my sister! She said as tears formed on her eyes.

Super Saiyan Samson - What's that? I can't hear you.

Li - I understand! She yelled with fear on her voice.

Super Saiyan Samson then picked Li with his hair and aligned her to your head. When she looks at you, tears are forming on her eyes and she was utterly scared on you.

Super Saiyan Samson - Now get the f*ck out of my face.

Super Saiyan Samson then threw Li with all his might and she hits Ni and Shuriya and the three of them was sent flying across the field.

To make sure, You fired three powerful ki blasts on them, exploding upon contact. When the smoke is gone, the unconscious bodies of Ni, Li and Shuriya disappeared meaning they all retired.

Announcer - Ni, Li and Shuriya have been retired.

Samson then reverted back to his base form and looked upwards to seen Riser whose mouth is wide open that almost his entire peerage lost.

Samson - Now it's just you and me, Riser Phenex.

Riser - Grrrr... You will pay for this. Yubelluna, stay back, I'll fight this guy.

Yubelluna - Yes, Master.

Riser then flew down on the field and prepared himself to battle.

In Heaven

God - Now this is the fight that I am waiting for. He said excitedly.

Back to the Underworld

Koneko and Issei then went inside the ORC building Issei saw two hooded figures and he asked,

Issei - Pardon me Rias-senpai, but who are those two? He said while pointing to the hooded figures.

Rias - I'm afraid that I don't know their name. Besides, Samson said that their names are not important right now, so I didn't bother to ask it.

Hooded Figure 1 - We will introduce ourselves soon.

Issei - Okay, if you insist. Say how was Samson doing?

Rias - Fortunately for us, we are winning. He completely obliterated Riser's peerage with ease.

Issei - Really? That's great! He said happily.

Koneko's mind - 'Go and celebrate while your lives are now in danger. I can't wait to see the two of you suffer at Samson's hands.' She thought while smiling deviously and looking at Rias and Issei.

Kiba - Koneko, is something wrong?

Koneko then snapped out of it and she said,

Koneko - Oh it's nothing. I'm just happy that we are winning against Riser.

Kiba - I see.

Back with Samson and Riser

Samson - Don't disappoint my Riser. Give me a decent fight.

Riser - Shut your arrogant mouth up and I will defeat you and marry Rias and no one will stop me.

Samson then started to laugh.

Samson - Hahahahahaha. What a funny joke you have there, Riser. *as his face quickly shifted to serious face* Let's get started.

To be continued...

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