Chapter One

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Justin was nothing like us humans. He was the son of the alien leaders who started the war against us. His parents died, leaving him helpless and abandoned, often to get beat by humans who were against the aliens. Justin was different though, he wasn't against the humans, he wasn't against his kind, he was neutral. But he didn't speak English, so he couldn't tell the humans that he wasn't there to hurt him.

"Please, p-please stop h-hurting me! I'm not like the others, I don't want to h-harm you!" Justin yelled breathlessly in his foreign language as two adult men were throwing him to the ground, kicking him and punching him. Aliens don't cry normal tears. Their tears are a bright purple, and instead of coming out in a liquid form, they change the color of their eyes. Justin's eyes were normally a light hazel color, but now they were a bright purple and they have been for the past couple of days. Although there was a general peace between humans and aliens, some people didn't like that, so they would beat any alien they came across. Victoria didn't beat aliens, but she didn't like them either. Michael on the other hand, beat aliens senseless, with his 6'4" figure, he could easily kill an alien on site. He didn't have an exact reason to hate them, or at least he never told me why, he just did.

Victoria's POV

I was walking home after eating at my favorite restaurant with Michael, when I saw two men running away from an alley, where I heard a soft whimpering. "Hello? Is anybody here?" I heard a low growl and I immediately knew it was an alien. The growl didn't intimidate me though, it was just a way for aliens to let people know that they were there. A lot of people thought it was a warning noise as if they were about to attack. I actually figured it out when my parents found a stray alien, and surprisingly, it spoke English, so it explained almost everything to me, before my dad shot it. I was only 12, so I don't remember much, because I didn't understand it very well. I walked into the alley where I saw a boy, probably around 18 years old, curled up in the corner, with bruises on his arms and face. He looked up at me and when I saw his purple tinted eyes, I knew he was an alien. I wasn't scared though, because he looked so helpless, to be honest, I kind of felt bad for him. I tried walking closer but he hissed at me and tried to curl up more. "Don't worry little guy, I won't hurt you. I'm going to help you." He looked up at me with tired eyes and slowly stood up, nodding to let me know he trusts me. I didn't know what I was doing, because I've always been taught to stay away from them, but he was so scared, and I couldn't help myself. He picked himself up and slowly walked over to me, and without thinking, I grabbed his hand and hugged him, trying to comfort him. It was slightly awkward at first, but then he started purring, an aliens way of letting others know that they are happy and content. "Come on, you can come to my house and I'll get you cleaned up and in new clothes." His current clothes were torn up and dirty, so he can just borrow some of my dads. I haven't been in my parents room since they died, so their clothes and bed have been untouched for the past 5 years. "Stay close to me, and keep your head down, so people don't know I'm with an alien. I could get in trouble for this." The only other way to tell an alien apart from a human is the markings on their arms and face. They weren't really visible right now though, because of all the bruises and cuts. He held tightly onto my arm, not letting go once. I could feel him shaking, so I wrapped my arm around him, trying to calm him down a little. He looked up at me and smiled. "You have a very nice smile." I said, him purring in return. "Sssh we don't want anyone hearing you do we?" He shook his head no and put his head down the rest of the way.

When we got to my house, he must've felt weak, because he collapsed on the couch. "Oh poor baby, let me get you some water and I'll get you some clothes, then you can rest ok?" "O-ok." He muttered. I could tell he didn't know English very well. I would have to teach him. I walked over to the kitchen when I heard him whimpering. "What's wrong?"

"S-stay". "Don't worry, I won't leave you. I'm just getting water alright?" He nodded shyly as I turned to get the water. A minute later I came back with the water and he had his shirt off. Woah, he had nice abs.. He looked up at me and motioned his hand, fanning his face as if he was hot. "You're right, it is a bit hot in here, here's your water, let me turn on the AC." He nodded with a cute smile on his face as I handed him his water. When I came back from turning it on, he had water all over himself and the couch, and he started crying. "What's wrong baby? It's just water, I can clean it up, don't cry, I'm not mad." I said reassuringly as I sat down next to him rubbing his back. He whimpered a few times then nodded. He pointed to himself and struggled to say "j-j-justin." "Justin?" He nodded happily and I laughed. He was like a toddler trapped in a teenagers body. "I'm going to to get your clothes, and I'll be right back. Stay right here ok?" "O-ok". I ran upstairs and went to the last room at the end of the hall. For some reason I was afraid to go in there, but I had to. I don't know why, but I felt like they were here, in this room, waiting for me. I slowly opened the door, just enough for me to get in. I walked over to my fathers closet and opened it up. "Hmmm.." I sighed. I missed my parents, but I had to stay strong, because there was nothing I could do about it. I grabbed a white V-neck and some sweatpants, and some boxers for Justin. I wonder if he knew how to shower. It sounds weird, but aliens and humans are very different. I came back downstairs to Justin, only to see him asleep on the couch. I'll just have him shower when he wakes up, he probably needs this nap.

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