Chapter 19

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For a majority of the rest of the day we didn't do anything but sit in our bed watching tv and cuddle. It sounded like a good idea and I could easily do it all day but Jayden is a growing boy and needs to play. I jumped up off the couch startling Justin because he was playing with Jayden on his lap and not paying attention to me. "Come on, we need to go to the park so Jayden can get exercise." Justin groaned and whined. "Noo I'm too lazy I don't wanna goo!" I just rolled my eyes at him and picked up Jayden, putting him on my hip and using my free hand to pull Justin up off of the couch. "Go grab shoes Justin then meet us outside, I wanna take a picture of my favorite boys." Wow, I was sounding like a mom despite the fact that I was only 18, although I technically am a mom. Justin was a good dad for a 19 year old too. I grabbed shoes for Jayden and walked outside. "It's a nice day today isn't it Jay?" "Yes mommy it is, I've never been to a park before, what are they like?" They must've rarely taken him outside while he was in the foster home. "Well, parks are fun places to play on jungle gyms, monkey bars, swing sets, and slides!" His face lit up with happiness. "I can't wait! W-what's taking daddy so long?" What is taking that boy so long?? I went up to the door and opened it only to see Justin siting there, crying. "What's wrong baby?" He sniffled and rubbed his eyes. "I can't fin my other favorite shoe, the one I wore earlier today, and those are the only ones I like to wear." I couldn't help but laugh at this situation. "Justin, it's ok, they're only shoes. Just wear your black converse and we can look when we get home ok?" He sniffled and whimpered. "O-ok." He was in "baby Justin mode". That means he's going to be clingy and constantly touchy. But it's alright, I like baby Justin. He ran upstairs and grabbed his shoes and I went back outside with Jayden. Justin bursted out the door whining. "I thought you left me! Please never ever ever leave me Victoria please!" he grabbed onto my torso picking me up and spinning me around while Jayden just sat there, watching us like we were crazy. "Justin, Justin. I'd never leave you, even if leaving you was the only way to save the world, I still wouldn't do it. Ok?" His eyes were a hazy purple. He was being more clingy than normal, was he jealous of Jayden? Jealous of my 4 year old Jayden? I didn't think so until we got to the park. I let Jayden run around with a bunch of other kids probably around his age and next thing I know, he's laying on the ground clutching his arm and crying. I ran over to him and gently picked him up so I don't hurt his arm even more. "Aw poor baby, what happened?" In between sniffled he managed to say he got pushed and someone stepped on his arm. "Oooh, mama doctor time?" He squeezed his eyes tight and whispered. "y-yes". I lifted up his arm and started to attack it with soft kisses in attempts to make him feel better. "All better Jayd?" "mhmm!" he smiled and ran off to continue playing. I looked over and noticed Justin glaring at me. "Those kisses are mine!" he yelled with anger in his black, smoky eyes. "I-uh Justin it's ok, you're right, they're yours o-ok?" The way he was looking at me scared me because he has never been angry at me; or yelled at me. "Justin, he's our son, you can't get jealous of our son.." I knew saying this was taking a risk because I don't know what he's capable of. He stared at me with his dark eyes and clenched his fists so hard his knuckles turned white. He started walking towards me when I noticed a tear fall down my cheek. Justin saw it too because his eyes softened into a dark purple tint and his fists unclenched. "V-Victoria.." I just shook my head and he looked down. I know he didn't mean it, but if he didn't see me crying he might've hurt me or Jayden. I picked up Jayden from his group of new friends and he said goodbye as I walked away to follow Justin. As I passed where Justin was sitting I glanced over to see someone I was hoping to never see again.

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