Chapter 8

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We got downstairs and nothing felt right. "J-justin. Come here, I I need you to hug me. I need comfort right now." He nodded and walked over to me, taking me into his arms and holding me with full embrace. I loved that feeling. We stood there for a good five minutes and then I let go. I looked up at him, he looked down at me, and for once, he didn't look or seem like a toddler in a teenagers body, he looked like a grown man, here to protect and love me through anything. He put his hand in my hair, playing with the ends of it. He flashed his million dollar smile and it just made me feel warm and happy. Everything was perfect here. He hugged me one last time and then sat me down on the couch and walked upstairs. "Justin? What are you doing?" "I'll be right back love." He said while disappearing into the hallway. A couple minutes later he came down with Michael hunched over his shoulder. "C-can you open the front door for me Victoria?" I got up and opened it for him as he walked through, still carrying the heavy body. He threw him into a large blue trash can and came back inside. "Took care of your rodent problem" he said with a smirk. I giggled and he went in to the kitchen to wash his hands and came back a few minutes later with a bag of chips and some sodas. "What's that for?" I asked. "You and I are going to relax, and watch a movie." I smiled and sat down in the couch. He took off his shirt and ran upstairs. "I'll be right back!" He yelled from my room. He came back in gray sweats and he was still shirtless. Dang. He had a nice body I have to admit. He sat down on the couch next to me and wrapped his arm around me. "Victoria, guess what??" He said eagerly. "What?" "I LOVE YOU!" He yelled, kissing me on the cheek. "Justinn" I whined. He looked at me, an alert look on his face. "What's wrong babe?" Babe. That's new, I like that. "I..." He looked worried. "I love you MORE!" I whispered, yelling the last word. He flinched when I yelled and I started laughing so hard. He's so adorable. We ended up not even watching a movie and we just ate chips and drank our sodas and talked and laughed for about an hour. Surprisingly, the day was already over. It was a long,complicated day, I'm ready to just fall asleep here. I don't know if I want to sleep in my room though. "J-justin, we are Going to sleep in my p-parents room tonight." I was unsure of it because I haven't been in there for so long. "Alright" he smiled. He picked me up bridal style in one swift movement and carried me upstairs. I nearly fell asleep in his arms but he threw me on the bed. I crawled over to my moms side of the bed and quickly fell asleep, forgetting about everything. I felt Justin wrap his arm around me and hold me tight.

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