Chapter 29

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Victoria's POV

I woke up the next morning to see Jayden and Justin watching tv, I slept later than usual. "Good morning sleeping beauty!" Hearing Justin's sweet voice in the morning always makes me smile. I started flipping through a magazine when I saw an article for a daycare, I'd love some time alone with Justin. Not that I don't love Jayden there with us, but I haven't had Justin all to myself for a while. I called the phone number for the "Funtime Daycare" and made an arrangement for Jayden to come try it out for today, and if he liked it he could go daily for a week. After we all ate cereal for breakfast, I walked Jayden to the daycare, which was only a block away while Justin stayed home.
*at the daycare*
"Welcome to Funtime Daycare! My name is Brianna, I'm the daycare instructor, and this is my assistant-"
I heard a name I never wanted to hear again.
"Selena. She will be happy to take your son to the play room."
I glared at Selena as she smiled at me with a devilish look in her eyes. "Um, may I take him to the playroom? I-uh want to see the kids he will be playing with..." Brianna nodded and had Selena take me to the room. "So, we meet again." I just ignored her. She tried to pick Jayden up and I smacked her hand away. "Don't touch him" I scoffed at her. I walked a little faster because I saw the door for the playroom and opened it slowly, only to see one kid laying in the middle of the floor with his eyes wide open. "I-is he ok?!.." Selena chuckled. "Honey, he's fine. Quit being so paranoid." She said with a sly smirk, but then looking down with a small speck of fear and concern in her eyes for the little boy. She walked over, picking him up and placing him in a beanbag in the corner of the room. "Yeaa, he's ok. Just sleeping." Well, if being here before freaked me out, this gave me a clear reason to be for sure. "Take care of my baby. He knows how to call my phone number, so if anything bad happens he will." Scoffing, Selena picked up Jayden and turned away. "Bye mom!" Jayden squeaked, blowing me a little kiss. I sighed. "Buh bye my little boy, have fun, I love you!" I yelled after him before walking out of the mysterious looking room. Something about all this gave me a bad feeling. Selena knows that bad things will happen to her if she try's anything.
*walking home*
When I got home, I saw Justin sleeping on the couch. I crept over and laid next to him. He jumped up in alarm and stared at me. "You scared me babe!" He yelled. I started laughing uncontrollably. He stared at me with a slight gleam of want in his eyes. "You will have to pay for that."
"Wait, you don't mean..."
I was thinking he wanted.. Something inappropriate for a young age group.
He screeched and jumped on top of me, tickling me to his hearts content.
"J-ï¸JUSTIN! S-STOP! I CANT BREATHE!" He paused for a brief moment and just stared at me, my face red with partial pain of not being able to breath one moment and the rest from the embarrassment of him staring at me. I didn't necessarily mind, because it was Justin, but I still didn't like people staring at me. "You ok?" He smiled at me with a pure loving expression on his face and kissed me a thousand times. "I missed the times we shared together before Jayden. Dont get me wrong, I love Jayden, but i miss just us." I sighed and stated into his hazel brown eyes. "We have the rest of the day sweetheart, its your day." He smiled sweetly then kissed my neck and sent little chills up my spine. "Cuddle me Vicky, all day." I didn't reply, we just laid there for what seemed to be hours, then in the midst of silence and pure bliss, the stupid phone rang. "Uuggghhhh!" Justin sighed, heaving himself off of me. He was frustrated. I could tell by the red tint in his eyes. "But Jay Jay wanna cuddle Vicky!" He screeched like a small child begging for icecream. I giggled at his childish actions and skipped over to the phone. "Give me a minute Jay."

A/N: Hola, readers :) so I am really super sorry about such a long wait... :( I've been super busy with school and stuff.. And adding on to that, I didn't have any ideas, although now I do so all's good. Uhmmm, well I'm kinda upset, my favorite story (surrender) by... I can't even remember her name. Whatevs. It got deleted. Sooo *tears* but anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, have a good day ☺😘

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