Chapter Five

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"Okay Justin, you need to stay with me the whole time so you don't get lost." Justin nodded and smiled cutely. He grabbed my hand as we walked towards the polar bear exhibit. When we got there, Justin pushed his face up against the glass, mesmerized by the polar bear cubs playing with each other. "Aw they're so cute Jay Jay!" I giggled and he replied "yea, but not as cute as you!" He blushed as he quickly darted off to see the Penguins. "Vicky come here!" He yelled, causing people to look at me. "Justin not so loud alright? I don't like attention" "ok!" He yelled, oblivious to what I just said. I walked over to where he was, and he whispered, "Victoria, I wanna play with them." I laughed at his innocence as he waddled around like a penguin. "Jay Jay, you silly boy. Come on, I'm hungry let's go get some smoothies." He looked around confused then finally looked at me, confused yet still adorable. "W-what are smoothies?" "Come on Justin, I'll show you." I smirked, knowing he'd like them. He bounced along behind me, practically skipping. When we got to the smoothie stand I ordered a strawberry banana for myself and a peach mango for him. He looked hesitantly at the Orange drink but took a small sip. Almost immediately his eyes turned green with disgust. He stuck out his tongue and shook his head. "N-no I don't like this Victoria!" I couldn't help but laugh. His reaction was adorable. "Here, try mine. It's different." He nodded and sipped my drink. He smiled with relief as he drank more. "Here, you can have mine and I'll have yours." He gladly took my smoothie and we headed over to the he lion exhibit. At first the lions were hiding behind the rocks so no one could see them, but after a couple minutes of waiting, a lion cub pranced out of their hiding spot. Justin stared in awe and giggled. "Why is that kitten in the lion exhibit?" He asked. "That's not a kitten Justin, that's a lion cub. The mama and papa lions are behind that rock but look, they're starting to come out." The male lion walked out from behind the rocks and I expected Justin to be amazed at its great size but instead he was behind me whimpering. "I-I don't really like these ones Vicky, c-can we go somewhere else?" I took his hand and we walked away from the lion exhibit and over to the giraffes. "Ooh ooh Victoria! The g-giraffes are my favorite animals!" He giggled and ran over to the rail. "Mine too Justin, be careful ok?" He nodded and stared at the giraffes eating leaves from the tree above them. "Ok Justin, let's start heading home, it's gonna get dark soon and we don't want to walk home in the dark right?" "Right!" He exclaimed as we headed for the main gate.
*Back Home*
"That was so much fun Vicky! Can we go again tomorrow??"
"Um, maybe not tomorrow but next week for sure alright?" He nodded and rubbed his eyes sleepily as he yawned. "Let's get you to bed sleepy head." He grabbed my hand as we walked upstairs to my bed. He changed from his outfit to a white v neck and boxers. I snuggled into his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Goodnight Justin" "goodn-night Victoria" he whispered while drifting off to sleep. I was almost asleep when I got a text. I just ignored it and went to sleep because I was too tired.

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