Pain isn't always Heard, sometimes, it's Silent

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     When the carriage finally stopped, the group of teens and adults were chatting idly amongst one another. Their conversations were light and meaningless, all trying to find a sense of normalcy, even if it had taken a long, awkward silence for the first person (Paulina) to speak. Every so often, a pair of eyes would glance over at the three in the back.

     Danny had his head resting back against the glass, eyes closed and unable to see the very concerned expressions glued to his face.

    At first it seemed that he was just relaxing, but when the carriage stopped the first time to let Jazz off with Pandora and Danielle, he didn't move whatsoever. It was safe to say he was asleep for the rest of the trip to the Far Frozen.

    Once the carriage stopped a second time and the realization that they were no longer in motion set in, the chatter settled down, waiting for some form of instruction. Automatically looking to the only three that knew what was going on, each face took on a look of patient confusion. 

    "Alright guys," Sam was the one to explain once she noticed the audience. "There's a city a small ways from here, they're gonna be able to help Danny, but we're not sure that they'll want a group of humans showing up at their door. Since Danny's the one who needs them, he'll have to go without all of us first. If their leader decide to let us, word will be sent that we're aloud to enter their gates as well. Any questions?"

    Everyone shook their head.

    "Good." Then she turned to Tucker with a sigh.

    They turned their attention to Danny. Both were looking back and forth at each other, unsure. Their eyes darted from one another's face, to Danny's resting one, then back to the other. After a moment, it became obvious what they were doing: they were arguing waking up Danny.
The day before or, hell, even a few hours ago, most would questions this action since there was no known threat. But now... they all knew better.

    Eventually, after quite a while of silent arguing, Tucker sighed and stood up. Sam jumped up and, with a wide smirk, moved away from the soon to be danger zone.

     With a few glances around, Tucker ultimately decided on unsheathing his red blade and holding it defensively before him. A tense silence filled the room as he inched the point of the blade steadily forward, holding it a hair's width away from Danny's bicep. With a sharp intake of breath, he gently tapped the flat end of the blade against his best friend's arm.

     Immediately, so quick it was merely a flash, Danny was out of his seat, eyes blazing green and hand gripped around the sword. He stood threateningly, with fangs bared and body taught. Then, it was as if something clicked. His shoulders drooped and face softened. For a moment he looked confused. Danny's eyebrows furrowed, then raised at the sight of blood dripping from his hand and promptly let go of what had cut him. Tucker stumbled back a few steps at the loss of support and shock.

     Sam was the first to make a move, taking a cautious step forward. Danny didn't seem to notice. He was too busy studying himself, staring at his upturned hands and panting heavily.

     "Danny..." Sam slowly moved closer. At the name, green snapped up to violet. His expression was one rarely seen on the halfa. Fear. Pure and utter terror. He studied Sam's face intently, confusion pushing through his features. "It's me honey. It's Sam." 

     "Sam, what..?" Danny mumbled, clearly trying to think up some recognition. "Sam." This time, the name rolled off his tongue. Suddenly, recognizing where he was and what had happened, Danny's reaction was immediate.

     "I'm sorry, I'm- I can't, I-" His hands came up to grip his hair as he spoke, reddish green contrasting greatly with the dirty white. His feet moved on his own accord, dragging him from the carriage, pushing him through the crowded doorway until he was outside. He stumbled a little, then fell to kneel in the snow.

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