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    "Danny?! God, Danny get up! I swear to god you are not dying on me! Not again!" Sam started yelling, not upset but angrily.

    "Not again...?" A few classmates muttered. At this point, they were starting to wonder if they had stepped into an alternate reality.

    "Tucker take Elle," Sam handed her daughter off to Tucker as she began to stir. Sam dropped to Danny's side and looked him over. There was a total of eight cuts, including the one on his face, and the single bullet wound. "Who has the first aid kit?" She questioned. 

    "No one does, they took our bags at the prison." Mikey clarified.

    "Dammit!" She cursed, "I'm sorry Danny, but I need you to get up." Sam then proceeded to grip his arm and twisted it, earning a loud snap. Danny immediately bolted upright, pinning Sam against the ground in a chokehold, causing the class to jump back. Then, once he saw Sam's face, he drew his hand back and scrambled away from her.

    "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm-" He began to panic.

    "Hey," Sam cut him off, "I'm ok, you didn't hurt me, I hurt YOU, it's MY fault. You don't have to be sorry," he began to calm down, "Now I need you to call Flaym, can you do that?" she asked.

    "Yes, but why?" 

    "We don't have any med kits and you're hurt." Tucker spoke up. Danny looked down at himself, at the blood, as realization hit him. 

    "Oh," He pushes himself up off the ground with his good arm, to which Sam protested, and whistled a short, high pitch whistle. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, a loud neighing and hoof beats were heard. After a short while, a horse flew up to Danny. The horse wasn't really a horse, more of the skeleton of one. Its eye sockets held two, small orbs that glowed neon green and produced a small, green flame. Between its ribs, where its heart should have been, was a larger orb that gave the same effect. The beast wore a black saddle and reigns.

    "Hey buddy," Danny began to pet it's about as if it were a harmless kitten, it huffed. Maddie wasn't having any of it. 

    "You get away from that ghost this instant! You are hurt and it will take advantage of you! It can smell fear and pain!" 

    The skeleton-horse blew a green mist out of his nostril and snapped his jaws at her. She jumped back with a scoff. "You see? This thing is wild!" 

    "This thing has a name and I won't tolerate you insulting Flaym this way!" Danny turned back to the horse. "Don't worry about her, she doesn't know anything." Flaym snorted.

    "Excuse me! I-" Maddie started, but Sam cut her off.

    "Ms.Fenton I'd absolutely love to hear all about how much you think you know, yet there is a more important matter at hand." She gestured to Danny, her voice full of irritation. Maddie huffed and turned away.

    "Does he have it?" Sam asked, walking up to the pair.

    "Yeah," Danny pulled a med kit out of Flaym's saddle bag, handing it to Sam. She began to work immediately. 

    Once again, most of the class looked away. Stitch after stitch, bandage after bandage, Sam arrived at the worst wound. The bullet wound. "Danny this will be the worst, ok?" She had already wrapped his arm, along with the small cuts, leaving only his shoulder and left arm free of the white bandages. 

    After getting his confirmation, Sam pulled a tool that resembled tweezers out of the kit. Without warning she dug the bullet out.

    "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" Danny whined, scrunching his eyebrows together. Flaym pawed/hoofed at Danny's hair worriedly. Sam actually felt a little relief at his complaining; if it was really bad, Danny would have stayed silent. "I'm fine boy," he reassured petting his leg.

👻 Danny Phantom 👻                       Trip into the Ghost Zone [HIATUS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora