Chapter 11

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-Caeda's POV- (okay?!)

My preparing was just throwing some more daggers at targets. I was really bored, but I didn't have anything else to do until capture the flag. After dinner, Leo randomly asked for my two favorite colors (black and neon pink) and then told me not to visit him because he was working on something and I couldn't see it until it was finished. Well, okay then.

I roamed around camp until people started to gather by the edge of the forest. I didn't see Leo or one of the others anywhere, so I decided to climb up and sit in a tree so I could see them coming. After a while, Nico, Percy and Jason arrived at the crowd, and not long after I saw the Aphrodite girl, Piper, I thought, joining her team.

The others arrived pretty quickly as well, but still no sign of Leo. I sighed and dropped out of my tree. I just started walking to my team as I heard a familiar voice calling my name. I turned around and saw Leo running towards me.

''Sorry I'm late,'' he said, once he reached me, ''but I just had to finish it before capture the flag.'' He held out a black weapon belt with little neon pink skulls and skeletons on it. And when I said neon pink, I mean neon pink. The skulls and skeletons glowed a faint neon light, and I stared at them in awe. I ran my index finger over them. The material was soft, cool and light. I hold my breath as the skeletons began to dance at my touch. The belt had two identical sheaths on both left and right, and when I slid one of my daggers in, it fit perfectly. I slid the other one in its sheath too and looked up at Leo again.

''Thanks, I mean, I... Just...'' I shook my head and hugged him. ''Thank you.'' He hugged back.

''No problem, I'm glad you like it.'' he said. I smiled and let go of him before putting the belt on. It fit perfectly and for a second I wondered how he knew what size I had. Then a voice caught my attention. It was Chiron's.

''Teams, go and hide your flag!'' he shouted. I hugged Leo one more time before running to my team.

''Hi.'' I said once I reached them,  ''So, what's my role in this? Offense? Defense? What do I do?'' Jason shrugged.

''Since you're new, and the Hades cabin only has three children, you'll probably be defense, but there is a chance the Athena cabin decides they need Nico's sword skills too much and let you guys be offense. I'm not sure though.'' I nodded.

''I really hope I'm offense.'' I said. Jason laughed a little.

''Just show them your dagger skills if they won't let you, they'll change their minds immediately.'' we reached the place where we were going to hide our flag.

''Okay, let's keep this simple. Zeus, Hades and Athena are attacking. The rest defends our flag, understood?'' a blonde girl from the Athena cabin said. We all nodded and stood in our positions. I didn't know where to stand, so Nico told me and I walked there to stand in position. I smiled a wide, almost maniac like smile and gripped the leather grips of my daggers tight.

As soon as I heard the start signal, I took off and ran into the darkness. I saw nobody for a while, but then a small group of Ares kids appeared, with Clarisse in front of them, like she was their leader. She muttered something to her group and they formed a circle around us. I looked at them in annoyance.

''Why is it that people ALWAYS form a circle around a fight? Seriously, why not a square, or a triangle or maybe a star? Why is it always a circle?'' I said, distracting Clarisse from my hands, that slowly made their way to my daggers. Once I reached them, I pulled the first one out and threw it at her. It flew past her head and just over her shoulder, in other words, it looked like I missed. But I didn't, I knew I didn't when the strap of the sheath of her sword (she also had a spear, but I'd worry about that later) broke and let it fall to the ground. I figured I should be able to do the little trick with letting something disappear in the shadows too, and tried to send the sword to the Ares cabin. At least she could have it back. Of course it didn't work, but Nico had found me and he let it disappear. I reminded myself I'd have to thank him later, when my life wasn't threatened by the sharp point of Clarisse's spear. She laughed.

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