Chapter 5

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-Percy's POV-

I woke up to a high-pitched scream. I opened my eyes and saw Nico lying against me. Somehow he managed to stay asleep, even though the scream didn't stop. I slid out from under the blanket and looked down. Weird, I really thought I was wearing a shirt yesterday... I looked up to see that Hazel was the cause of the scream and Jason was smiling like an idiot. Well, shit.

''So.. Ehm, good morning.'' I said, ''Ehm, Hazel, can you please calm down? This is not what it looks like... And he's still asleep.''

''It looks like you two were sleeping in the same bed.'' Hazel said, with disgust in her voice. I was silent for a moment too long.

''Okay maybe it is what it looks like but I swear nothing happened. Really. Okay?'' Apparently it was not okay, because she was screaming again. ''Hazel! Calm down, calm down please, you're waking him up.'' Nothing worked, until Nico actually did wake up. He looked at Hazel and I could tell that it broke him. She had wanted to talk to him, and one decision ruined everything. It wasn't fair.

''Have you tried telling her nothing happened?'' Nico asked me. I nodded.

''It didn't work, though...'

''Maybe, if...'' He turned to look at Hazel. ''Haze, listen to me, calm down, okay? Just listen. I swear on the river Styx that nothing except kissing ans sleeping, and then I mean sleeping, like, not being conscious, happened okay? Is that alright? Or at least a little less wrong?'' The amount of hurt in his voice broke me, I had to do something.

''I'll go get Piper, okay? She can charmspeak Hazel into calming down, and then maybe she'll listen.'' I said. I got out of bed and changed into an orange Camp Half-Blood shirt and dark jeans. I ran my hand through my hair and headed to the Aphrodite cabin. once I got there I knocked and waited. One of the older campers opened up and I asked if Piper was awake yet. A few minutes later, Piper and I walked to my cabin.

''So how did they find you again?'' Piper asked.

''I told you, we were just sleeping, like sleeping sleeping. Then Hazel and Jason came to my cabin, I think I left the door unlocked, they saw us and now Hazel won't calm down.'' My door was still open and we walked in. Piper immediately walked up to Hazel.

''Shh, it's okay,'' she began, ''it's okay, nothing happened, they were just sleeping quietly and peacefully. There is nothing to worry about. You'll be fine, they'll be fine, you'll be fine with them and everything is okay.'' Piper said to Hazel with charmspeak. Hazel calmed down and actually smiled.

''Hi, Nico,'' she said, ''How are you?'' She looked at me. ''Oh, hi Percy, nice of you that Nico could stay over.'' Nico and I stared at each other. Piper really knew how to use her charmspeak.

''Hi Haze, ehm, I'm okay, I guess... But, you don't have a problem with... This? Like, in any way?'' Hazel looked confused.

''No, why would I? Percy is my friend and you are my brother. I trust you guys not to do anything stupid.''

''Oh, just... Yesterday it seemed to be a lot more of a problem to you.'' He looked at Piper.

''How on earth did you do this?'' Piper shrugged.

''I just used a lot of charmspeak. It should last about a day and then slowly wear off, so you've got about a day to convince her this is perfectly normal.'' She looked around. ''Where is Tyson? Didn't he come home yesterday?'' Percy shook his head.

''I think he's still with Ella. But, Jason, why were you here with Hazel? I knew she wanted to talk to Nico, but you knew she'd freak out when she saw us.''

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