Chapter 6

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-Nico's POV-

Okay, so I had an hour to get ready.


I took a quick shower and tried to pick nice clothes, but I couldn't find anything nice enough.

''Shit.'' I muttered, still looking in my closet, hoping something nice enough would suddenly appear in it. Unfortunately it didn't. I really had to choose now, so I put on the nicest clothes I could find. I walked to the bathroom again and stood in front of the mirror. I brushed my hair a little and looked in the mirror again. Yeah, no. I needed help.

I shadow travelled to the Aphrodite cabin and knocked. Piper opened the door.

''I need help. Fix me.'' I said, pointing at my hair and clothes. She laughed.

''Let me guess, you're going to the dance?'' Thank the gods she was smart enough not to say 'with Percy'. I nodded and she let me in. ''So, what needs the most fixing, you think?''

''My hair. It's horrible.'' I said immediately. She nodded.

''Okay, I'll be right back. Wait here.'' She walked away and came back a few seconds later with two jars. One contained something that looked like transparent gel, and the other had something blue in it. ''Sit down.'' she ordered. I obeyed and sat down on the couch. She found a stool in the corner of the room, set it in front of me and sat down. ''Okay, now try to sit still. Be patient, I asked Mark to find some nice clothes for you, so that will also be fixed.'' She opened the jars and began to style my hair with the transparent gel. Once every few seconds, she'd lean back with a doubtful look on her face to check on her work, and then quickly go back to styling. After what felt like hours, she finally put away the transparent gel and picked up the blue stuff. ''Blue gel, it will not only style your hair, but also give it a blue color. Don't worry, I'l only use it on the tips. And it'll wash out.'' she said when she saw my face. I nodded and she went back to work. When she was done, she smiled at me and went away again, probably to find Mark. A few seconds later she came back with a guy I thought was Mark. He held black pants that weren't ripped up and a dark black/blue shirt that seemed to sparkle a little. I took a closer look and my eyes widened.

''No way.'' I said. ''There is no way you are going to make me wear glitters. Absolutely not.'' Piper sighed and told Mark to get the other shirt. ''What is it with you and glitters? Even the boys here wear glitters!'' I asked Piper. She sighed again.

''Aphrodite, apparently she loves glitters, so the entire cabin is all glittery.'' She turned around and searched something in a bag that stood on a table behind her. When she found it, she slowly turned around and looked at me with pleading eyes. I was going to ask why she looked at me like that, when I saw the little bottle in her hands. 'Eyeliner' it said.

'Oh no! Gods, if I knew you were going to torture me like this, I would've stayed at my cabin. No, no make-up.''

''But if I could just-''

''No! Just- No make-up. No make-up and no glitters. Those are the only things I'm asking for. Do whatever you like, but please, not make-up or glitters.'' She sighed.

''Okay, then.'' Mark walked in again, with the same pants, but a different shirt. This one mostly was dark black/blue too, but it also had some lighter and darker streaks. It looked amazing, and I was sure Percy would love the blue in it. ''Is it okay?'' Piper asked. I couldn't speak for a few seconds, but when I found my voice again, I stuttered,

''It's- It's amazing...'' Piper and Mark looked proud that they could actually make me wear some color and like it. Mark gave me the clothes. The shirt felt cool and soft against my skin.

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