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Hello! It's been quite a while...

I'm back, with good news! I am going to rewrite this story.

Leaving it published but unfinished has been haunting me ever since I stopped updating  it. The last time I updated was November 30th, 2014. That's almost 3 years. This story has been haunting me for almost three years. I can't leave it like this, but I can't continue it like it is now either. So, I've chosen to rewrite the entire thing. It may surprise you I actually had a plan for this story. I'll follow the plan now, rather than just making it up as I go with the plan somewhere vaguely in the back of my mind.

A few things will be  changed. It will be more of a slow burn thing, with plenty of time to think about feelings before rushing into anything. There will still be a love interest for Leo, and she will still be important. It all fits in with the plan I have, trust me. 

I also think it will be fun to add a song to the start of each chapter and kind of explain how it inspired the chapter/story to me? I'm not sure about that yet, I'll need your opinion on it.

So, what do you think? Should I even try to rewrite it, or just delete it and forget this embarrassment ever happened?


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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