Deviant High 3: With Everyone

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More androids in high school! What could go wrong? Everything.....

Another beautiful day in Detroit. School was almost over, yet there was increase in studying students recently. Testing time was near, and the androids were rushing to get some knowledge inside them. At the moment; Daniel, Traci 2 and Conan(RK900) the in the library pretending to study. Josh and Connor are actually studying despite not needing to. And North and Kara are too busy getting high to bother studying.

Kara: -Eyes are red- You know...-Puffs smoke- I think that the actually lizard people.

North: way...that's ridiculous. dude.

Kara: You're right.

North: They gotta be ALIENS.

Suddenly Emma and Alice run by, giggling, snatching the bag of weed from Kara.

Kara: HEY! Give it back you little cum pops!

North: Woah! Those were children?! -Is completely stoned- Like actual children?!

Kara: Don't make me count to three!

North: I never knew we had those!? We can have those!?

Kara: 1! 2! ......should've never skipped math.

North: Imagine....-Stares at Connor- I wonder...

Kara: -Chases after Emma and Alice accidentally knocking down Leo who was walking by-

Daniel: -Looks up from "book"- Could guys keep it down? I'm trying to algemacate myself!

Josh: -Glances at Daniel- What are you even studying?

Daniel: Uh.....well we're doing math.

Josh: Which part?

Conan: We're are studying round things?

Josh: O rely?

Traci 2: Yep! This...pie! Times 2 Ds circles!

Josh: ....those three are gonna fail, right Connor?

When Josh looks over to Connor, only to see he's gone. Emma is sitting net to him instead, with the back of weed.

Josh: Uh...Connor? What happened to Connor?



Emma, Markus, Simon, North and Luther sit at their desks, waiting for their teacher to arrive. Emma was freaking out in her chair, Markus was recording this, Simon was using Emma as a battery for his phone, and Luther was reading a book about Health for androids. Soon enough the teacher comes in, the teacher was Todd.

Todd: Sorry students, some android tagged "Wife Beater Cheater" on my car.

Markus: -Whistles innocently- Sorry to hear that sir.

Todd: Today we're gonna learn about how to keep healthy.

Simon: IRONY!

Todd: Now, what can you eat to stay healthy?

Luther: -Raises hand- Less beer and drugs?

Todd: Yes! Exactly! Now...-points to Emma- See this?

Emma: -Has calmed down from high and is tired-

Todd: What do you call this?

Markus: A hangover in the making?

Luther: A reflection of yourself?

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