Android TV 1: With Ralph and Jerry (And Rupert)

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I decided to add the Jerries into this. They are just soo adorable! I need them to play a role in this!

Another cool day in Detroit. The streets were bustling but the day was calm. Everyone doing their daily duties, kids playing in the park, people chatting about the weather; yes everything was nice and steady as usual. Until our cheerful android gardener came outta nowhere; falling from a building and crashing down onto an outside-dinning table.

Ralph: -Raises finger weakly- -Passes out-

Rupert: -Is watching from the top of the building- Well, that's another meme ruined.

-1 Ali-A theme later-

Ralph: -Smiles at camera that a Jerry is holding- Welcome internet people to another episode of Android TV! Where everything's a meme and androids make you cream!

Rupert: I think you mean scream.

Ralph: No, Ralph means cream. Cause cream is succulent!

A crowd of Jerries clap and cheer.

Ralph: Today Ralph will be exploring the anatomy and behaviors of a strange species of humans known as... -Dramatic zoom in- Vegans.

Jerries: -Audible gasp-

Ralph: That's right humans! Vegans walk among you! Vegans plot world domination!

Random Jerry: THE HORROR!

Ralph: -Pulls down badly drawn diagram of a vegan's body- As audience can see here, vegan's veganality stems from here; the Veganolis. Located in lower levels of human brains.

Random Jerry: AVERT YOUR EYES!

Ralph: -Phone beeps- Looks like Ralph got an incoming message from our pal Rupert! -Answers call and Rupert pops up on a screen-

Rupert: -Is suddenly in a vegetable garden- Ralph! Come in, Ralph! Flying Rat to Succulent Boy! We have a situation!

Ralph: This is Ralph. Tell Ralph what is happening to Rupert.

Rupert: -Is in a vegetable garden- I have infiltrated the vegan lair like you said, but they vegans...they've found me! They smelled me coming!

Ralph: Ralph told Rupert to wash before going to the vegans!  YOU'VE DOOMED US ALL!


Something rustles in the tomato patch around Rupert. It seems to be circling him and giggling.

Rupert: -Looks around frantically- Oh god...I think they've found me.

Ralph: Rupert! Get out of there now!

Rupert: It's too late for me! They're coming for me! They're coming for you! The vegans are coming! I REPEAT! THE VEGANS ARE COMING! RA9 SAVE ME! AHHH! -Is attacked by something-

The screen goes dark and everyone goes silently with fear. Suddenly a Jerry in a pig suit rushes into the room and starts rambling incoherently.

Ralph: What's that? -Gasp- THE VEGANS ARE HERE!?

Pig Jerry: -Rambles more-

Ralph: And vegans have infected Ralph's staff!? ANDROID VEGANS!?

The audience gasps in shock.


Ralph runs out the room with the Camera Jerry following him.

-In the Radio Room-

Ralph locks the door and starts glancing out the windows nervously. He then turns on a walkie-talkie.

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