Old Days: WIth Daniel and Emma

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This is based on a request by Gamingdragon110. Enjoy my good bois and gals! Let the Memage begin!

Another rainy night in Detroit. Through the thunder and lightening, crickets could still be heard outside. Poor Daniel had to endure it alone. While Markus and the other deviants went out revolutionizing the city, he didn't want to rust up his servos, so he stayed in a little room in Jericho. He stared up at the ceiling, pondering his life. His future and his past. Emma, that sweet little girl he kept dangling off of roof tops whenever she threw a fit. Yes, the memories...

-Memory File 1-

Daniel sat peacefully on the couch, reading a book on the dangers of smoking. He couldn't understand why humans would suck on these hazardous items, it bugged him to his very circuit. He glances at the leftover cigars; a curiosity struck him.

-A few minutes later-

Daniel: -Is currently taking huge puffs of the cigar-

Emma: -Walks in and sees him, she gasps- Oh my god! IS THAT A CIGAR!?

Daniel: -Is startled and quickly tries to hide it- N..no! No! Emma honey, its not what it looks like!

Emma: I'M CALLING THE COPS! -Goes to the microwave and starts entering 911-

Daniel: Uh...Emma...that's not how it works.

Suddenly an operator speaks from the microwave.

Operator: 911, what's your emergency?

Daniel: -Brain has imploded from lack of logic- (-My brain implodes as well-)

-Memory File 2-

Daniel was walking Emma to the park. She skipped happily along his side. However he stopped dead in his tracks when he took a look at the other kids in the playground.

Emma: -Looks up at him confused- Daniel? What's wrong?

Daniel: Uhh...I don't think it's wise to play in the particular park.

Emma: Why? All the other kids are playing and they're just fine.

Daniel glances back over to the playground, watching as the children were twerking and spinning around poles.

Emma: See? They're just dancing. (Uhh...yes! They're just dancing...weirdly...)

Daniel: We should go somewhere else...

-Memory File 3-

Daniel set up the mobile cameras and rushed to the garage. Everything was ready, and the cars were spiffed. He just hoped this could be done before the adults got home. He activated the cameras.

Daniel: Ok, ready Emma!

Emma: -Jumps into view on top of a car- WUDDUP! Don't mind me! I'm just chillin in the I8!

Daniel: -Does awkward gang pose- Holla...

Emma: -Pretend to drive car with style- I just dropped 200 RACKS on this car, and I AIN'T EVEN 15 YET! I got the KEYS to this car!

Daniel: -Smiles blankly- She's got the keys to everything.

Emma: Don't mind him folks, that's just my 2,050 dolla android that just bought!

Daniel: -Waves awkwardly- Hi.

Emma: Got him with my POCKET MONEY! I make more than you EVER could with 20 JOBS and I'm like 11 or somethin!

Daniel: -Smiles awkwardly- Because bad parenting...

-Memory File 7-

Daniel played some music in his head while he raked the leaves in the yard. The music was new and foreign to him, but something inside him made him wanna move. He hummed, then wiggled, then moves his body all about. Dancing...he believes this is what humans call dancing! He payed no mind to the family who was watching from the windows.

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