Deviant High 2: With Everyone

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Part two of Deviant High. School's back in, it's time to learn something! Btw, swearing maybe even offensive stuff. Read at your own risk!

Another sunny day in Detroit. School is back in session for the deviants, and some humans. Everyone is heading to class, Connor is overjoyed to be back, while Josh and Ralph is geeking out over the new installment of One Punch Man. The three mean androids, Kara, Blue Tracy, and Tracy 2 struts down the hallway to get to class, but Gavin stops them by the lockers.

Gavin: Hello ladies.~ Wanna head down to the Gav Tav and let me show you some of my special detective skills?~

Tracy 2: -Kicks Gavin in the balls- Hmph!

Gavin: -Falls over in pain- Ah! MY ONLY WEAKNESS! MY BALLS! HOW DID YOU KNOW!?

Blue Tracy: Lucky guess, every d**k's balls tend to be tender. (Cuz obviously!)

-Meanwhile with Connor and Markus-

Connor: Are you excited for another day of school, Markus?

Markus: -Groans- Scrap me now.

Suddenly Leo walks by and grabs Connor by his collar, then shoves him into an open locker and slams it shut.

Leo: Hahaha! I love shoving losers into lockers!

Markus: -Gasp and walks up into Leo's face threateningly- How dare you!? Fight me m8!

Leo: Eat a d**k scrub! (Ooh!)



And thus they started fighting, it was an epic battle, until Hank broke it up and had to get Connor out the locker.

Connor: -Steps out of locker smiling- What I miss?

Hank: You sure seem happy for a guy that just got lockered.

Connor: Don't worry, that's just how people say hi to me.

Luther suddenly walks by and shoves Connor into another locker.

Connor: -From inside locker- Hi Luther!

Luther: Sup Connor!

Hank: Oh boy...


Ralph, Daniel, Tracy 2, Kara, and Josh take their seats. Ralph was in the back listening to hardcore rock music, no thanks to Hank, Tracy 2 was staring at Josh with intent to bash his face in after class, heaven knows why. And Kara was....being a good student for some reason. Also Gavin was teacher apparently.

Gavin: Alright class let's start off with something simple. What is 9 +10?

Ralph: 21?

Gavin: Ok, someone who's not a complete retard.

Josh: I think I know!

Tracy 2: -Mumbles mockingly-

Josh: What did you just say about me!?

Tracy 2: Nothing......-Mumbles- idiot.

Josh: Shut up**ker!

Tracy 2: Hey! Don't you call me a h**ker you f**king gay!

Kara: Haha! She said gay!

Gavin: Tracy! Did you just say the F word?

Tracy 2:

Josh: No, you can't say f**k in class f**king h**ker.

Gavin: Josh!

Tracy 2: Why the f**k not?

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