Chapter 11- Capturing Evil

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   Since Zuveron killed all of the ogres, Maledi's plan was to make a monster that would be invincible. He got up from his throne and made a plan to replace the ogres with lava monsters by disguising them as ogres. He went to the nearest lava pit outside of his throne. The lava radiated heat throughout hell and Maledis went in front of the pit of lava. He put his palms in front of him and raised his hands making lava monsters come out of the lava. Each one was the same size of an ogre, fifteen feet tall. There were six hundred of them. They looked down on Maledis and said,

"Hello father"

Maledis said "Can you do something for me?"

They said "sure, what is it?"

"Do you mind disguising as ogres because I want my brother to think that all the ogres are still alive. I want to get revenge because he stopped me last time and I'm not going to let him do it this time." Maledis clenched his fist and made a face of anger. With the wave of his hand, the lava monsters had ogre skins on them.

Maledis said "looks good, hope this will work. I have to talk to my my nephew about something, I will be back. You can do whatever you want"

He teleported to the forest outside of the Kingdom of Serenity. He heard birds chirping and the sky was light blue with fluffy white clouds. Maledis saw hordes of different species of animals going south. He followed where the animals were going and once he got where they were going, there were bridges connecting to rounded buildings  in trees and animals of multiple species were everywhere. He went over to a squirrel,

"Do you know where my nephew Billy is?

The squirrel replied in squeaks and Maledis didn't know what it was saying. He rolled his eyes and squeezed his fists and made a grunt. He went to the entrance and there were two nine foot gorillas on their hind legs guarding it with swords. One of the gorillas asked in a deep voice

"Who are you? and why are you here?"

The gorillas put their swords to his neck, Maledis heard a voice in his head, "who's talking to me?!" he put his skeleton hands on either side of his head. One of the gorillas said "I'm in front of you"

He looked up, "telepathic gorillas?! that's knew. I'm Maledis" 

The gorillas put their foot forward making Maledis increase his distance from the giant tree kingdom. He put his hands to the side forcing the gorillas into the trees and breaking them. The animals heard the loud noice and came rushing over to see a flaming skull with broken trees and gorillas on the side of him. silently, ten skunks went behind him and a green fog that can knock out any powerful being came from behind him. Billy casted a spell on them so that can get rid of any evil creature that comes their way. Maledis sniffed,

"What's that smell"

The stench from the skunks knocked him out, he crashed into to the ground.The flame on Maledis was burnt out, this is the first time it has ever happened. Maledis was not dead, he was now just a lifeless skeleton on the ground. The gorillas came back from the broken trees and one of them dragged Maledis up the inclined wooden staircase to one of the rounded buildings in the tree. They went into a room where Billy was, he turned around

"You captured Maledis, great job. My father have been trying to do this for years, but with your help, I did"

Billy pointed to one of the rounded buildings, "send that asshole to the cage! I'm working on something special for him"

One of the gorillas put Maledis on their back and the two gorillas went over to the rounded building that no god can escape from. On the outside, it looked like a normal building made out of wood. On the inside, it was metal and enchanted with a spell that only effects gods and only Billy can approve which gods can leave and the ones who can. The gorilla put Maledis in a metal cage and shut the it. In the other building, Billy was conducting a truth potion and a spell that can suck the power out of any god. It took him four hours to do. Once he was done, he grabbed a spell book and the truth potion. Billy went into the rounded building where Maledis was held. Two gorillas were guarding him to make sure no one would get near him. Billy looked to the gorillas,

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