Nico 23

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I was telling Laci how if anything bad was happening to her I would shadow travel out of there immediately. But she told me no.

"What do you mean no? If you're in danger then obviously I'm going to do everything in my power to keep you safe"

"I want to fight. I'm a daughter of Athena for Petes sake. Only take me away from it if I'm dying. And besides we're part of the group that doesn't even have to fight. Well be fine. Trust me Nico." Looking into her grey eyes I knew I was over reacting.

"The pleasure is all mine." I heard Kalona say. His massive frame took up the whole door way. Oh my gods. This was going to be difficult. Then this girl Kelly spoke up.

"Oh Kalona, won't you tell us where you've hidden our godess?" she said sweetly. He walked over to her and we all stood staring at her bold actions.

"Now what on earth world compel you to think I'm giving them up that easy, little girl?" He said condescendingly.

"The fact that we've killed 300 of your beastly children and we'll kill you too!" she said in the same chipper tone. He threw his head back laughing. She quickly motioned for us to go through the unblocked door. And put the sweet innocent girl expression back on her face. Laci, Kiana, Reese, Zack, and Natâsha and I, all crept through the huge door way as fast and quietly as we could. We heard Kalona still laughing while Kelly distracted him.

Walking through the room Kiana had her weird light thing illuminating our ten foot radius. She stopped so we all did.

"Okay so we've been walking in this room for a bit. Should we try to find the godess-"

"It looks like you've already found us" a melodic voice said to us. I began to turn to her, and Kiana put her hand up to her and we saw a woman. She had jet black wavy hair, silvery gray eyes. Soft features. She was wearing black jeans that were dirty and ripped and a silvery gray tank too that was in similar conditions. Kiana lowered her hand and emitted a bright light from the rest of her body.

"Are you Artemis?" She asked

"Yes I am. Natâsha, what on earth are you doing holding that boys hand?" I looked over at Zack and Nickie. They were in fact holding hands.

"Nothing," she said and dropped his hand quickly. Reese cut in.

"Where is Nyx? Do you know where she is?" The godess nodded

"She's all around us. Kalona bound our powers, so she's in her godly form. For her that is pure darkness. That's why the labrynth is so dark." she explained

"How do we unbind your powers?" Laci asked her

"we have to kill Kalona" Artemis began gravely. "The only way to do that is to rip off his wings"

"Simple enough" I said eagerly. Getting Laci out of this place as soon as possible was my number one priority.


We were fighting. Well people with swords were. Girls armed with bows shot furiously. I felt the darkness creeping into my brain, clouding my thoughts. I kept shooting at his chest, where a heart would be. But then I though 'he might not have one' and I aimed between his eyes. I pulled my arrow back calculatingly and shot. The arrow took its mark and the giant feel like a log. I watched dazedly as Artemis and he hunters ripped the wings from his back. Golden ichor flowed from the wounds, and they he dissolved into a black powder. And my eyes got starry and was falling. I was passed out before my body hit the ground.


I watched Kiana. I should have been closer to her. she swayed slightly and I ran to her. I watched her eyes close and I caught her head before it snapped on to ground. I couldn't let anything happen to her. I just couldn't. The tunnel began to lighten. Like the darkness was crawling away, it was gathering in the room. If I looked up I would see dark red walls and all the way down the corridor. There were lit torches and door lining each side.

"Aw" a low female voice said "its good to be back" I turned and saw a dark skinned women with straight black hair parted down the middle. Every peice of her clothes were black. Her nails were black. I assumed she was Nyx. Godess of night.

Save the moon

save the magic

Save the night

We had fulfilled the prophecy. As gently as possible I picked up Kiana. I slung her bow over my body. The rest of the group was talking with the godesses.

"-you can't leave the hunters Natâsha. "

"I can and I will. I want to go back to camp half-blood" she took Zacks hand "with Zack" she finished. Thalia gasped.

"How could you betray us?"

"I haven't betrayed you. That's why I wish to leave," she stood her ground.

"I would also like to go back to camp Half blood mistriss. I want to pursue medicine with the rest of the apollos." Renée joined nickie. Nico saw me holding Kiana's limp body In my arms.

"Oh no," he wispered. I suppose they all heard him because there were suddenly many sets of eyes on me. I wish i could cover her up. "shes not dead. Just passed out. We need to get back to camp as quickly as possible." Nico, Laci and zack walked over to us. I assumed he was going to shadow travel.

"Go." Artemis waved Nickie and Renée away. They grabbed my shoulder. Before we melted into the now white floor I told the three godesses

"Remember that it was us who really saved you. Demi gods." The last thing I saw before dissolving was Hecates smirk and Artemis's scowl.

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