Nico 15

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Somthing was up. After being with Laci it was like I could feel what she was feeling. I could tell she was sore. I felt bad about that part. I could have been more gentle with her. She was so small. But I knew she didn't care in the least. She was so inexplicably happy when she fell asleep moment later. I needed to talk to Reese. After she had been asleep or about twenty minutes. I snuck out of the bed and went to wake up Reese.

"Reese. Get up I need to talk to you." He moaned and held Kiana tighter. "Reese!" I said at a normal speaking level in his ear. He instantly woke up. Looked around and saw me. Thank the gods I remembered to put my boxers on. "Reese come outside please." I walked over to the end of the bed. He carefully de tangled himself from Ki. I noticed he was wearing nothing but boxers as well. Had they...?

Oh well. We went out to the balcony. ( we were on the second story)

"What's this about man? I'd much rather be sleeping with Ki"

"I had sex with Laci," I said bluntly. He looked taken aback.

"You did? When?"

"Half an hour ago. What are you not telling us though? since then I'm able to feel her emotions. I could feel how happy she was." He just sighed and looked at me.

"Part of being her guardian means you'll be insanely attracted to her. And after sex you will be able to feel her emotions. After a while she'll feel you. After that you'll be able to communicate with eachother telepathically," he told me. Woah. What can of worms did I just get my self into. Well no. That's not fair to Laci. I love her. Now that I know what's going on it will be easier to deal with.

"Will we have to keep making love or will it just come over time?"

"I think it'll just come over time." I nodded. The I decided to ask him somthing else.

"Did you and Kiana...?"

"No. She wasn't ready yet. She's never done it before."

"Neither had Laci or I," I told him shrugging.

"Oh well. I'll get my chance."

We crawled back into bed with our girls. And fell asleep almost in instant contact with them. Laci had out if one of my shirts. Looking at her I realized I had left marks on her neck and bicep. Oops. 'At least she's marked as mine,' was the last thing I thought before I fell asleep embracing her.


Those lunatics didn't think I heard them. I only heard the begining of it because I don't want to listen to them have sex so I went back to bed.


I woke up to the sight of Reese's defined abdomen. That was a good thing to see at 6:30 in the morning. I got up to go to the bathroom. Until I realized I was only wearing under wear. So i grabbed a shirt from the ground. It was Laci's. Why was Laci's shirt on the ground. I didn't think anything of it so I threw it at her bed and grabbed Reese's shirt and pulled it on. It was a black monster shirt. I decided that I was going to wear it today. When I came back everybody was starting to wake up. Reese was sitting up in our bed yawning. He saw me wearing his shirt and smiled.

"Good morning baby." He said tiredly. I crawled across the bed to him.

"Good morning babe" I said back to him. I gave him a soft kiss and jumped of the bed.

"What are you doing Ki?" I pulled on a pair of wranglers.

"We have to meet with the hunters in a little while so we should get dressed." I tugged on a pair of sneakers. Laci rolled over in her bed to look at me. Her eyes widened.

"Holy hades," she went to get nico moving "Nico, I need you to get up..." She leaned down and wispered in his ear. I could quite make it out but It sounded like "I don't have any underwear on." Nico opened his eyes and smiled tiredly at her. I saw his hand move under the blankets, but then Laci moved away from him, "Nico. C'mon." He sighed and got up and went into their bags.

"Where are they?" he said.

"Small pocket on the front."

He tossed a small peice of fabric at her and grinned.

Reese was fully dressed and was waking up Zack. He instantly got up and looked at his clothes. All he did was change his shirt.

Now Reese was infront of me.

"What? I'm dressed already," I said smiling.

"I know. Let's go out side." I took his hand and he led me to the balcony.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked him

"There's nothing wrong, it's just, you're the only one who doesn't know." Know I was concerned.

"What don't I know Reese?"

"Nico and Laci consummated their bond last night." Woah. They did? That's why Laci didn't have underwear on.

"Well good for them." I said happily. I was disappointed that it wasn't us. But I knew that they would need the connection in the labrynth.

"Are you okay?" he asked me. I nodded and headed back inside. Oh. I looked in the fridge and pulled out a blur slurpee. And here's my breakfast I thought. Zack had went back to sleep, his feet hanging purposefully off the bed because he had shoes on. Awe. How polite. Once they saw me get a slurpee they each took one. We got all our clothes up and in our bags. 6:50.

Reese and I were sitting our bed, and Laci and Nico in theirs.

"So how did you guys sleep last night." I asked them, smiling. The looked at each other.

"Great," Nico answered for them. I smiled knowingly. They wern't going to get it easy from us. Reese's hand was on my thigh. I had my hand resting on his. Then there was a knock at the door. The hunters were here. I jumped up to answer the seven girls.

They stode into the room and stood in the center of the room.

"Are you ready to go?" Thalia asked we all stood up. Except Zack. He was still out like a light. "Natâsha wake him up." She hesitated then nodded. She shook his shoulder. He turned to look at her. He jumped up really fast from his bed, and stumbled hitting his arm on the dry wall. Natâsha laughed at him.

"Don't laugh at me!" he said jokingly.

We were all up and walking out the door. We let Thalia take the lead, given she was the Only person to know where it is.

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