Kiana 4

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At breakfast this morning I sat with Zack. But I met some of the other people in my cabin. Like Corbin and Corina, who were twins and really funny. Lia who was kindof odd looking, because her mom and Asian. And only the bottom half of her hair was jet black. But she was really nice. It's was super weird having all these siblings. Ohmygods. I totally forgot. Today was my 16th birthday!! I was suddenly really exited. Corbin asked me

"Kiana, what's up?"

"Today's my birthday!!" Everyone at my table heard me. Suddenly they all broke out in the most beautiful rendition of happy birthday id ever heard in my life. Id even started crying. When they were done they all beamed at me. I did a head count there were 11 other kids. So twelve Apollo kids found there way to camp half blood in ten years. Two sets of twins. Corbin and Corina and Ella and Elise. I think Corbin and Corina were half back becuse they had olive colored skin and wild curly hair and dark brown eyes. So if I had it right the people in my cabin are Zack, Elle, Elise, Corbin, Corina, Keiffer, Zoë, Dana , Parker, David, and Aaron. This was so weird. They ranged in age from 7-18. I have brothers and sisters. I can't wait to get to know them better.

"Hey ki, I was wondering if you would come over and meet some people," Percy asked me. He had his hand on my shoulder.

"Sure let me just put my stuff up." I stood up and scraped the rest of my meal into the fire and followed him to the big house.

"Ahh the newest Apollo daughter!" Chiron said loudly and jovially. I smiled widely at him. "You see, we have heard about your talent we'd like to see it"

"Oh, for sure!" she pulled the ribbon out of the front pocket of her shorts and tied a quick knot, and I instantly transformed into my bow. I stepped out side and told Chiron "what's somthing I can shoot?" He steps out side stands roughly 15 feet away from me, and says

"Hit the ground next to my hoof,"

I smile slyly at him. I turn and grab an arrow from my ever present quiver. I am standing perfectly parallel to the centaur. I shoot my arrow thinking 'hit next to his left back hoof' and realease the bowstring. For few seconds nothing happend. Then I felt the ground vibrate with the attack of my arrow. I turned to look at Chiron, Percy and Annabeth. All staring wide eyed at me.

" Why are y'all looking at me like that?"

Percy answered me

"Becuse you've been gifted with a weapon from the gods, and a very rare and usefull gift from your father." I looked at him trying to get more information from him. As I looked I saw somthing dark in his eyes. A brokenness. Probably from being in the Tartarus.

But just then Annabeth walked over and set her head on his shoulder. I saw the same brokenness in her stormy eyes as well. But then the looked at eachother and it dissapeared. It was beautiful to see really. Then a blackness came over me

Llas a heard Percy say "it means, you have a destiny,"

Then blackness left as quickly as it came. But the scene around me had changed. I recognized it as the throne room on mount Olympus. I turned and saw a man. He had golden hair a dark tan. He has wearing swim shorts and turquoise tank top.

"Hey there Kiana! how you been? Happy summer solstice and happy birthday!" Was this man my father? He only looked about 20 or so. He smiled brightly and walked over to hug me. I let him but I also noticed that he's as tentative in his movements. That seemed very odd. "Why am I here?" I questioned him.

"To tell you your prophecy in person, since I can tell Rachel isn't at the camp right now. But she'll be there shortly,"

It was then when I realized he was also the god of prophecys. His face contorted and then he recites these word eerily

A song to change your fate

Shoot with the hunters

Free the moon

Free the magic

Free the night

Light will be your enemy

Dark will be your friend

Go to place with no end

"Have fun! Oh I almost forgot. I want you to take Zack. He's been at this camp for years." I nod at the god.

"Do you have any more ideas about who I should take?"

"A son of Aphrodite and a daughter of Athena" he told me before everything went black. again.

This time I woke up in my bed. How long had it been? I looked over and saw Zack sleeping heavily. I got up, and looked down. Who changed my clothes? Instead of wearing my pale denim shorts and red flowered tee shirt I was wearing a large purple band shirt I recognized as Reese's I went over to wake Zack up.

"Zack," I shook him slightly "Zack wake up!" he rolled over faceing me, and lazily opened his eyes. When the registered that it was me that they were looking at, he sat up quickly looking at me with surprise.

"Ki! what happend to you?"

"Apollo came to me and gave us a quest!" I said excitedly trying to be quiet, our siblings were sleeping soundly.

"What did he say?" He asked

" He have me a prophecy.

Shoot with the hunters

Free the moon

Free the magic

Free the night

Light will be your enemy

Dark will be your friend

Go to place with no end, and her told me to take you, a son of Aphrodite and a daughter of Athena."

"Okay. When morning comes around well go talk to Percy and Reese. I also know a really sweet Athena girl that might be willing to help us," he yawned and rolled over. "But for now try to go to sleep" I walked back over to my bed still buzzing with excitement at our upcoming quest, but sleep took me quickly.

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