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I walked to Greek for the first period. Hazel and Leo had it too. I wanted to get there early to get a good seat, it was hard with just English having dyslexia. Greek will be harder. Though my dyslexia isn't too bad, it still is quite annoying whenever it decides to come out and bother me. 

I slipped into the classroom. The first row was filled, surprisingly, there was a seat open in the second row but Hazel was sitting in the third and waved at me to come to sit by her. I made my way over, only to be cut off by Leo. 

" Sorry, Annie," Leo said. " Can't sit back there, super annoying kid." 

" You can't move away from yourself Leo," I told him. 

Leo rolled his eyes. " Haha. Very funny." 

" Fine," I said. I turned back to the second row, but the last seat had just been taken. 

I groaned. " Great." 

I moved t the back row only to see the boy from yesterday, the one with raven black hair and as he looked up I noticed sea-green eyes. 

" Can I sit here?" I asked him. Hoping he would say yes because there as only one other seat left and it was next to Drew. 

" Yeah." He said. " Sure, go ahead." 

I smiled a little bit and slid into a seat. The seats were tables, two to everyone facing the front of the room. 

" Okay." The teacher came in. " Hi, guys, how you doing?" 

The man had blonde hair and blue eyes. He seemed to be a pretty cool guy, I mean, any teachers that call his students " Guys" would be. 

" Um, excuse me," Drew said. " I am a lady." 

The teacher laughed. " What's your name, miss?"

" Drew." She said. " Drew Tanaka." 

" Okay." The teacher said. " Hello, guys, and Drew." 

The class laughed and Drew looked outraged. She was obviously about to say something but the teacher spoke first. " My name is Mr. Apollo, and this is Greek, the language and we will be learning about Greek myths."  

" So." He said. " The first project starts this very day." 

 So, I don't think I'll have the whole, horrible haiku thing. Maybe one or two but really, I can't bring myself to write something that he would say in the form of Haiku so sorry. 

" We'll have partners." He said. 

I saw friends looking to each other and Hazel turned to face me. I smiled, nodding, happy that I was one of the kids with a friend to partner up with. 

" They will be your table partners." Mr. Apollo said. 

Some people groaned. But most were already sitting by their friends since there was no seating chart. 

I looked over to the boy next to me. I still hadn't learned his name. 

" The project will be on one of the topics of your choice. Describing your partner in Greek, Greek mythology, Greek architecture, and compare and contrast Greek from modern times."  Mr. Apollo continued. 

" Excuse me," Drew said, raising her hand. " I'm not sitting by anyone." 

" Well, he said, you can work by yourself and not do the first one, or join another table and be a group of three." Mr. Apollo told me. " You have the rest of the class to decide your topic and start it." 

The boy turned to me. "Hi." He said. 

I answered with a hello and he stuck out his hand. " I'm Percy." 

" Annabeth," I said, taking his hand. 

" So," he said. " I was actually thinking about the first one." He said. 

I was about to suggest architecture but he went on. 

" I know it probably seems generic but hear me out." 

I shut my mouth and gestured for him to go on. 

Percy took a breath. " I'm dyslexic," He said. " And I really think that this one will be the best because it won't have many long complex words to try and figure out plus it wouldn't be bad to learn more about each other because I heard Mr. Apollo sometimes doesn't change seats for the whole year. 

I surprised both of us when I opened my mouth and out came, " Okay." 

Percy grinned. " Great." 

" Ten minutes." Mr. Apollo said. " I forgot it was a half-day because of the heat." 

" Do you want to start tonight?" Percy asked. 

" Um, sure," I said. 

" We can work at my house." He said. " Is five okay? I have swim tryouts." 

" Sure," I replied. 

Percy took out a piece of paper and scribbled something down. 

" Here." He said. " That's my number. Text me later and I'll give you my address. 

I nodded and the bell rang signaling the next class. 

I couldn't help but feel a little bit of butterflies in my stomach. Percy Jackson.  I thought. Not a bad name. 

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