Ripped at The Seams

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The palace was no more. It fell victim to the terrifying power Violet unleashed. Once shimmering, pearly walls were now rotting and decaying after being obliterated and the surrounding trees withered and died. There was nothing left, nothing but falling snow and ash.

Violet breathed heavily, standing among the destruction. She hit Reverie directly and thus she was long gone. Not a single bone or hair remained of the Goddess. Finally, all was silent.

When at last the Frostylian's senses began to clear, she saw at her feet the ribbon that Reverie had clutched until her final moments. It, unlike everything else nearby, was in perfect condition. Its fabric sustained not a tear.

With widening eyes, Violet lifted the ribbon with telekinesis and ignited it in black haze. The energy would surely rot any normal target, but the silver fabric showed no response. Only an object enchanted by a Sage would be able to withstand black magic. Violet smiled in relief and triumph.

Her joy unfortunately didn't last long. She collapsed to her knees, the pain of her wound finally catching up to her. The battle was over and the adrenaline was dying down; there was nothing to hinder the agony anymore.

She was alone atop the mountain, exhausted among the puny remains of the palace. Her hand flew to her side, where blood steadily leaked out of the gash she sustained. For a brief moment she looked down at the world below and watched the peaceful, unaware villages that slept in the wintery night. Then, she pulled her gaze away and sighed. She couldn't approach for help covered in blood with Reverie's ribbon.

Panic began to fill her. After using such a powerful attack, she didn't have the strength to teleport back to Sulfeera where her medics were. Perhaps after a rest, she thought, but her blood loss was a terrifying countdown.

Although she loathed to dirty it, Violet wrapped the ribbon around her waist tightly like a bandage. The job wasn't done perfectly, but it stopped the blood somewhat. Huffing and clenching her teeth in pain, she collapsed onto her back and let the snow fall onto her body.

The silence helped to clear her head and she realized the full extent of what she had done. She felt a twinge of regret, but not for Reverie's sake. Rather, Violet was concerned for the effects such actions would have downstream. Frostylia wouldn't go long without noticing their lack of a ruler and Violet certainly wouldn't run the world herself. Perhaps it would be wise to pay Amber a visit later to check up on her.

Violet had wrapped herself in her wings to keep warm at the chilling altitude. After a rest, she found her strength and managed to warp back to Sulfeera. When she appeared in the crimson palace, she staggered. She leaned against the wall of the corridor, trying not to fall. Aching, she called, "Florian? Where are you?"

Keeping a hand on the wall, the mage stepped forward slowly as blood dripped onto the regal carpet. Her wings dragged behind her and her breathing was light.

Violet paused, holding still so she wouldn't fall. Her vision was growing slightly blurry. Florian eventually came from around the corner and his eyes widened the moment he saw her. He sprinted forward and caught her. "Violet! You're covered in blood!" He gasped.

"It's...not all mine," she rasped before gesturing to her injured side. "But this is..."

Florian looked down at her waist, his eyes fixed on the ribbon that encircled her wound. "What is that?" He asked.

"Just get the medics."

He nodded and helped her through the palace toward the medical quarters. They shortly arrived at a small, white room that was packed with shelves and equipment. It was complete with a sickeningly fresh, antiseptic scent.

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