Fight for Frostylia

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Violet went over her plans several times and after listening to Senkards's warnings, teleported to Frostylia. When she arrived she took a moment to rest after the strenuous use of magic.

A chill ran up her spine although it was not caused by the freezing wind and snow around her. Fear sent the shiver, reminding Violet of just who and what she was about to confront. She had confidence in her abilities but also knew how powerful deities were; especially old ones. She hoped out of both respect and anxiety that she would not have to fight Reverie.

Violet crept quietly through the large, smooth hills of snow through the darkness. Night had blanketed the world and Frostylians were sleeping soundly in their houses below the mountain she treaded.

This frigid mountain, stretching higher than perhaps any other landmark on the planet, housed Reverie at its peak. Violet was sure to warp close to the pearly palace, which was hard to miss even through the raging blizzard. Its tall, shiny spires stood out boldly among the falling snow and ice.

Violet gulped as she spotted a formation of guards protecting the palace. They were clad in iridescent, icy armor and wielded long spears. If she showed too much aggression, then any chance of negotiating with Reverie would be lost.

Moving slowly, Violet headed for a large, white-leaved tree nearby the palace entrance. She wanted to approach faster but the temperature hindered her movements. It was so cold at this altitude that even her Frostylian nerves were irritated. She felt like icicles might form at her fingertips and that her eyes would freeze shut as she hid behind the tree. From there, she peeked out behind the trunk at the guards and focused.

Shivering, she tapped into her magic and silently summoned black, wispy tendrils around her targets. Like snakes, they slithered to the guards' necks and strangled all of them without making a sound. The urge to kill them was strong, but Violet released them once they passed out. The tendrils disappeared and she cautiously trudged through the snow to the palace doors. After tiptoeing around the unconscious bodies, she reached the elaborate entrance and failed to open it. Teleporting inside could alert Reverie, so Violet quickly searched a fallen guard's pockets and retrieved a key.

She opened and shut the door slowly so it wouldn't creak as she slipped into the palace. It was warmer inside, a fact she was thankful for. A chandelier empty of flame hung ominously overhead. The room was dark, empty, and silent. Violet could faintly make out a vacant throne that sat among a bed of twisting white branches, as well as some shelves and drawers that lined the walls near hanging tapestries.

Violet sighed. Her magic didn't produce much light, so she wouldn't be able to use it to see. She waited for her vision to adjust before creeping around the room and checking every inch of furniture for anything even remotely key-like.

Her footsteps made soft thumps against the carpet, but no other noise penetrated the large throne room. However, her heart stormed so violently in her chest that she feared it could wake the Goddess or any guards that may be lingering around.

She had searched every drawer and scoured all the shelves to no avail. She found nothing key-like and nothing useful. Humming in frustration, she started for one of the doors to explore the deeper quarters of the palace.

A bright light flashed overhead, flooding the room in a dim, ghostly radiance. Violet jumped and stepped back, looking skyward. Eerie flames of blue now occupied the chandelier, highlighting every surface with pale cerulean streaks.

Gulping, Violet looked forward to the throne, where a flash of icy energy occurred. When it faded, a beautiful woman sat in the regal seat. Her skin was white as the snow and her pale pink hair cascaded over her plain, velvety robe. Over her head and around her shoulders loomed a mesmerizing silver ribbon. Its black trim was lined with shimmering cyan swirls and it billowed slowly and mysteriously all on its own. Violet stared at it for a moment, sensing the faint magical aura it emanated. She couldn't look away until the woman's voice yanked her attention.

The Reaper's TrustOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora