What Made Me Stronger

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It was like an immediate rush of emotions overcame her body everytime she glanced at her lips in the mirror. She touched them delicately, and blushed again. Long after Draco retired to bed, she was still in that bathroom afraid to come out and run into him.

She wasn't sure what caused him to kiss her in the first place. It was simple and quick, but breathtaking and surprising. Was it because she brought up the question of a possible relationship? Hermione cursed her damned curiosity for always getting best of her.

She peeked her head out of the bathroom to find his bedroom still closed. Stepping out hesitantly, she went back to the couch and curled up under the blanket. The kiss was everything and nothing. Mind-blowing and subtle. Normal and awkward.

What was she supposed to do the next morning when they saw each other? Would he explain himself? Would he think they were some sort of "item"? Or worse would he think it was a mistake and kick her out of his home?

She sat up and wrapped her arms around her knees. Her chin rested on her knee as she bit her lip nervously.

Suddenly, the door opened and Hermione bit her lip much harder than necessary. She covered it up and reached for a tissue to cover her mouth. Blood stained the white cloth and that's when Draco spotted her. "Granger? Are you alright?" he asked, "You're bleeding."

"Just a cut on the lip. It's nothing," she said as she blotted. His eyes widened and she immediately blurted, "It wasn't you, I promise! I just bit my lip! Trust me, you couldn't have bit my lip because it didn't even last more than 5 seconds-"


"You didn't even use your teeth-"


"It wasn't rough or anything-"

"Hermione!" he yelled over her rambling, "You were biting your lip. It's okay!"

Hermione breathed out the air she held in her lungs and pressed her palm against her forehead. "I'm sorry," she said more quietly, "I could have been more discreet."

"It's okay. I'm assuming you can't sleep either?"

"No," she admitted. He walked to the couch and sat next to her. She shared the blanket with him, and he accepted it. "You've been so kind and so welcoming these past few months," Hermione said as she rested her head against the back cushion, "And I haven't felt that way in so long."

"You're one of the few people in this town that I feel close to."

"Ever since Mary?"

"...Yes, ever since Mary."

"You can tell me about her," Hermione hinted, "If you want."

Draco breathed heavily through his nose and closed his eyes. "How did you meet?" Hermione asked.

"I saw her in the bookshop window."

"What was she like?"


She was quiet and beautiful. Like a flower in the middle of a forest where no city or town could possibly affect it's natural beauty.

He stepped into the shop and she greeted him with a warm hello. Draco wasn't used to muggles being so warm and kind, but she was different.

The way she looked and the way she spoke were entirely different. He expected this introspective, shy girl who didn't get out of the shop much. But when she talked, she was wild and fun. It was unexpected and he couldn't get enough of it.

However when she started getting involved with the bad side of town, she began drifting away from him. Draco watched sadly as she would leave him every night to drink and ruin her life in the process. Draco became her cover up story, making her own mother believe that she was the good one who helped the town troublemaker find his light. And although her feelings for him weren't entirely definite, he was terribly in love with her, and he was convinced she felt the same way.

Mary was spiraling out of control, and Draco did everything in his power to save her. But it's impossible to save someone from themselves, especially a stubborn girl like herself.

After the accident, Draco never forgave himself for what happened. Abby didn't accept his forgiveness because it wasn't his fault. She kept telling him how Mary loved him irrevocably, but he couldn't see it anymore.

And that's what changed him.


"Do you think you changed her?" Hermione questioned.

"Maybe," Draco replied, "I'd like to think that."

"And you still think about her?"


"Do you regret falling for her in the first place?"

"No," he affirmed, "If anything, she made me stronger."

"Even if that meant you weren't entirely content with her towards the end of it all..."

"Where's this coming from?"

Hermione sighed and said, "I'm starting to think I was wrong about Ron then. I resented him after the divorce, but I don't think that's how break ups work. You remember all the good even when it's over, because it's part of your life that you have to accept."

"So you don't regret what happened?"

She shook her head and said, "If anything, he made me stronger."

And in one moment, Hermione and Draco were finally free.

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