Keeping Company

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Hermione sat at her post, as usual, when she spotted curly blond hair pass the book shop window. The bell clanked and little Molly skipped to the register.

"Hi, Hermione!"

"Hello, Molly, what brings you here?"

"I saw you in Drake's car last night. Did you go on a date?"

"What? No, no, no, we were just having dinner."

"Sounds like a date to me," she said as she hopped onto the counter.

"No, it really wasn't," Hermione tried to explain, "We're just..friends." She wasn't sure why she had to recount her relationship with Draco to a 7 year old, or if there was any real relationship at all. "Wait a minute, what were you doing out that late anyway?" Hermione asked.

"Daddy said to come back home later."

"Oh, but did you eat your dinner?"

Molly shook her head.

Hermione gasped and said, "That's unacceptable! Did you even eat breakfast?" Her stomach growl spoke for her. "We need to get you food, now," Hermione said but looked around, "But no one's here to watch the shop."

"Just get Drake to drop off something," Molly suggested, "Use that phone over there."

Hermione looked over at the phone on the wall but then down at the floor. Her entire time in Cherrywood, she didn't actually need to use it. The only places she ever went to was the shop and Draco's home, and she never found a reason to ask for his number.

"Don't worry, I know it by memory!" Molly said proudly and hopped off the counter. She had to hop up to reach it, but she managed to get the phone from the wall. Molly punched in the numbers and then handed Hermione the phone. "Oh, I can't talk to him. You do it!" Hermione commanded.

"But I thought he was your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend."

"But you went on a date last night," she held the phone up to her ear, "It's ringing." Molly shoved the phone in her hands and jumped up and down excitedly. Hermione mouthed something to her but stopped when someone picked up.


"Um, hi Drake. It's Hermione, from the shop."

"Oh, um hi. What do you want?"

Hermione turned away from the overly giddy girl and leaned against the wall. "Molly's dad did not feed her dinner last night or breakfast this morning and the poor girl is starving. I can't leave my post, so do you think it's possible that you can pick up something to eat for her? Please?"

He was quiet for a moment before replying, "Yeah, sure. I'll bring something."

"Okay, thanks."

"Granger, wait," Oh no, here goes, "About last night..."

"I'm not having this conversation with you over the phone," she told him, "I'll see you when you get here." And promptly hung up.


Draco made sure to make some extra Peanut Butter and Jelly's because he knew how Molly liked to inhale the food he made her. This wasn't the first time she's gone hungry for a long period of time. Her dad was a no-good scumbag alcoholic who spent more time drinking then being aware of his daughter's whereabouts.

One time, the following morning after Independence Day, he found Molly asleep on his front porch curled up on the bench. Draco was so mad he nearly went to beat the crap out of her father, but was stopped by Molly who didn't want to see her dad get hurt.

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