All Was Truly Well

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"You look beautiful," a voice from behind her spoke.

Hermione turned in her red bridesmaid dress and pink and orange bouquet. It was Ron who stood in his fathers tux which finally fit him. He shaved and his hair was properly combed but just the right amount of tossled. "Thank you," she blushed and returned to the mirror.

"I...I think we need to talk about things," Ron said.


"Yes, now. We have a few minutes."

Hermione tightened the cap on her lipstick and turned fully to him. She sat down in a chair and he sat across from her. "I.... Merlin I don't even know where to begin," he spoke.

"Neither do I."

"I just wanted to say..."

"Say what, Ron?"

"I'm glad we broke up."

The statement astounded her. For a moment, she was afraid he might say he still loved her.

"Gee, thanks, Ronald."

"No, geez... Merlin, that's not what I meant. What I mean is that I think ending things was probably best for us. I mean, wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes, I would."

"Good. But I just want to say that I don't regret any of it, really. I loved you, Hermione. In fact, I still do. But as my best friend. And I hate how we ended things. I hate how I made you leave the country and separated you from everything. I hate how I've acted. I hate the whole situation."

"Ron, stop. I made the decision to leave for myself. Not you. I just needed to...escape for a while. Yes, I was quite distraught over our marriage but I think the separation really did me some good. I'm happy now."

"Me too! And the separation also made me realize how much I miss you. We all do, Hermione. I just....I just want you to come back here. I know you said it would be hard for you to leave where you are now, but now that things are okay between us, I see no reason for you to stay there. Just come home, Hermione."

"I...I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to decide now. Just think about it, yeah?"


Hermione felt like her head would just explode if she kept thinking so much. Or at least that was something Draco would say. She was probably the only person sitting instead of on the dance floor of the reception. Harry and Ginny danced happily and a bit clumsily as a newly married couple. Ron was dancing with his girlfriend, Lavender, which was probably the first time she saw him dance since their own wedding. Molly and Arthur danced slowly and watched over the married couple with wide grins. There were so many familiar faces: Moody and Shacklebott at their table, Luna and her father doing a crazy dance in the middle of the room, Neville and his wife, Hannah Abbott, George and his new girlfriend (she didn't catch a name), Seamus and Dean trying to break dance but failing miserably, and....was that?

Blaise Zabini?

And he was walking towards her. God, she hoped he wasn't going to ask her to dance. "Hello," he greeted and sat down next to her. It was strange since he's never actually spoken a word to her. He was tall, dark, and handsome with the same elegance she saw in Draco. "Hi," she said, "I, um, didn't know you were invited."

"I'm friends with Ginny, actually. I noticed you weren't dancing and I couldn't have found a better place to sit. I hate dancing."

"I'm not really in the mood to dance."

"I see that. It looks like you're deep in thought." He poured her a glass of wine, which would be her 4th glass of the night. "Should I be concerned?" He asked.

"No, it's nothing."

"I heard you moved to America. How is it over there?"

"Quite nice, actually. Different and where I live is quite quaint. But..."

"You miss it here," he finished for her.

"I do. I miss everyone. But I've built a life for myself over there as well. At first I felt like I belonged there, but now I know part of me belongs here as well," Hermione said as she took a sip, "Why am I telling you all this? This is probably our first conversation and I'm getting too personal."

Blaise chuckled, "I'm pretty good at listening, as my wife says."

"You're married?"

"Yeah, she didn't want to be here tonight. Too much tension, I suppose."

"Why would there be tension?"

"She still holds blood prejudices. You probably knew her, Pansy."

"Ah, yes I remember. And here I thought prejudice would end after a whole war."

"What would make you say that?"

Hermione downed her whole glass and said, "I know people who were changed because of the war. Their beliefs, their sides, everything really. Like you, I suppose."

"Like me. Coming from a Slytherin, I can honestly say we have more to us then most people think. You see, we were raised to believe something we didn't know was wrong. At least, until it was too late. We picked a side our parents were on because we thought it was right and easy. It turned out to be one of the hardest experiences of my life."

"But you survived."

"I survived, and for the better. I didn't spend any time in Azkaban like some people did."

"But you took the mark."

"By force. You can make a pretty good case for yourself if you took the mark by force. That's how the Ministry released me."


"Yes. You also have to prove that you've redeemed yourself for your actions. I donated a lot of money to a children's fund for orphans of the war."

"It sounds so...simple."

"That was just my case. There are some people who the Ministry is just dying to have put away."

"Like Draco Malfoy?" She said his name, which she felt like she shouldn't have said but the alcohol spoke for her.

"Merlin, I haven't heard that name in years. But yes, like him. If he could get away with letting the Deatheaters in with that Vanishing Cabinet and planning the assassination of Dumbledore, anyone could get away with anything."

"So they're still looking."

"Always have. But if they did, Merlin I would never be able to take a case like that."

"You're a lawyer?"

"Yes, I-"

"It's time to cut the cake!" Someone yelled out.

"We'll continue this later," Blaise said and stood as everyone gathered in the middle of the room. Hermione was astounded by what she heard. Malfoy was really stuck, which left her with a sick feeling in her stomach.

She just needed to prove that he's been redeemed. Can they see what she sees in him? She's going to need someone who can have a bigger impact on the Ministry.

Someone like...

Her eyes landed on a pair of green eyes and she knew what to do.

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