Two Months Later

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Dear Harry,

I have to say that receiving yours and Ginny's letters have been the highlight of every week here. Don't get me wrong though, this new place where I'm living is absolutely amazing. I've been staying on a friend's couch for a while, but since we've decided I would be staying here, we're having a new room built, just for me.

I'm also renovating the book shop a bit, since much of it was a little outdated. The owner, Abby, has given me a lot of freedom to do what I please with it. Also the rest of the town has also started sprucing up the place. Even town hall has started to liven up by bringing back an old festival they used to have a long time ago.

Everything's so lovely here, I wish I could just show it to you in person. But I know you're all far too busy with your own lives, but I will definitely be sure to visit when I have the chance.

With all my love,


She signed her letter with her signature and leaned back against the cherry tree. For once in her life, content came easily to her. Finding happiness in living with Malfoy was so unexpected, especially with what happened in the past. But they've officially reached a point where none of that mattered now. Of course, she still had millions of questions to ask, but when the time came to ask, not enough words could form an articulate sentence.

The only thing that seemed to bother her in the back of her mind was Malfoy. He was a wanted criminal back in their old world, and although he changed for the better, part of her felt as though she was betraying Harry by keeping him a secret. Harry and the rest of the Aurors have been searching for every wanted Deatheater in hiding since the war. In a way, she was an accomplice to a crime, but she hated to think about that. So she didn't.

Hermione set her pen and journal down and stood. She walked around the porch and stepped onto some freshly nailed down wood of what was soon to be her new room. Since she was living there, it was Malfoy's goal to get her a proper bedroom. She fought the idea at first, saying it was too much work and she could always find a place in town. But by the time she saved up the money for a house, Hermione would have had some serious back problems from that couch she's been sleeping on.

She watched from afar as Malfoy nailed some wood to the structure. He wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead and finally laid his eyes on her. "You can take a break too, Malfoy," she told.

"Yeah, I was just about to. Right after this last nail."

"You said that two hours ago." She smiled and he smiled back. He set down his hammer and hopped off the foundation. "Alright then, Granger. What do you want to do then?"

"Since it's nearing dinner, we might as well cook up something."

"Again?" he said tiredly.

"What's wrong with my food?"

"Nothing," he explained, "It's just that I'm going to get stuck with the dishes."

"How about this: You help me cook, I'll help you wash. Deal?"

He sneered and she took that as an agreement made.


"I have literally given you the easiest task possible," she laughed as she bit into a carrot.

"Boiling water is not easy, Granger!" he said as he sponged up the water spilled over the stove. She hopped off the counter and moved the pot of new water onto the other side of the stove, then turning the dial. "Wait for it to bubble," she commanded, "With the cover on this time." He elbowed her side and she elbowed him back with another laugh.

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