A Question

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Later in the week, while Draco finished up at work early, he decided to take out Hermione for lunch. With Harry around it was harder to have alone time, apart from at nights where she would sleep soundly next to him.

But when he went to the garage, he saw that Hermione's car wasn't there. He took his truck and decided to check the book shop. He peered into window and saw she wasn't there either. He entered and found Abby at the counter reading her book with Molly. "Hey guys," he greeted.

"Ah, Drake! Looking for Hermione?"

"Yeah, is she here?"

"No, she went out to lunch with Harry Potter!" Molly informed.

"Molly, why must you say his full name?"

"Because he's Harry Potter!" she giggled, "I like saying his name like that."

Draco groaned inwardly. He was quite looking forward to spending time with her. "Don't worry, Drake. They'll be back soon," Abby reassured.

"I was hoping to get lunch with her."

"I'll go get lunch with you!" Molly said excitedly and hopped off the counter. She grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him towards the door. "Come on, Drake! It'll be fun!"

"Um, Abby?" Draco called out to the old lady who only smiled and shook her head. "Have fun you two!" Abby said with a a smile.


"Molly, don't speak with your mouth full!" Draco said and wiped the sauce from her chin.

"Sorry," she said and wiped her hands with her napkin, "Drake?"


"Are you going to move back to En-gland with Hermione?"

"What makes you say that?" He asked curiously.

"Harry said Hermione might move back home. Is that true?"

"Well, I don't really know."

"I don't want you to leave Drake. I don't want any of you to leave," Molly said with a pout, "We're like a family."

Draco's face fell. He never thought about moving back to England after all these years. Then again, he never thought about spending the rest of his life in Cherrywood. He looked at the little girl in front of him. Without him, who would she have to go too?

Then he thought of Mary. He thought of the girl filled with joy and life. He thought of her smile whenever he said something unintentionally funny. He thought of the woman he fell in love with and what she would want him to do.

Follow your heart, she'd say.

She made it sound so easy.

When Draco arrived home, Hermione and Harry were sitting in the living room waiting for him to get back. "Hey, where have you been?" Hermione greeted and asked.

"I, um, went out with Molly today actually. I bought her some lunch and...other things."

"Like what?" She asked with a slow smile forming across her face.

"...School things," Draco tried to brush off casually but alas the damage was done. Harry was already laughing and Hermione covered her giggling face and stood up. "Draco, that's very sweet," she said to him.

"Why don't you two wipe those smirks off your faces? I try to be nice and this is what I get, bloody hell," Draco muttered grumpily and moved into the kitchen. Harry's laugh followed him into the kitchen along with Hermione. As he stood in front of the fridge, he felt her chest being pressed up against his back and her two arms coming around him. "It's so endearing how much you care for Molly," she stated.

Draco sighed and accepted her embrace for a moment before closing the fridge. "I don't want her Father holding her back from living her life. At least this way she'll have everything she needs," he told her. Draco turned around and looked down at Hermione, "She asked me something back at the restaurant."

"What was it?"

"She wanted to know if I would be going back to England with you, if you do go back."

"Oh," Hermione said and released him, "And what did you say?"

"I didn't say anything."

Hermione paused and then began, "Draco?"


"I can't say the thought of going back hasn't crossed my mind. Ever since the wedding, I realized how much I was missing over there," she admitted, "But I also realized how much I loved being here...with you. I guess what I'm trying to say is that....if I did go back....would you consider coming back with me?"

Draco was silent. What could he say back? Take the life he had built here and throw it away to go to another continent? He would have to leave behind Molly and Abby....and even Mary. He stayed for her.

Then again, the Wizarding World is his true home where he belonged. With magic and...Hermione. He could build a different life over there with her.

"You don't have to say it now. I understand," Hermione broke his thoughts, "I'll just, um, go see what Harry is up to."

And then she left and Draco was lost for words.

That night, Hermione fell asleep next to Harry on the couch. She didn't mean to but they stayed up talking about Draco's situation and how to approach the Ministry. Draco didn't say anything after their chat that night, so when the morning came and Hermione woke up to get breakfast, she ran into him doing the same thing.

"Oh," she started, "Good morning."

"Morning," he said tensely.

"Draco, about last night...I shouldn't have sprung such a big question on you."

"It's alright," he said, "I also have my answer for you."

"Really?" Her eyebrows raised up in question.

"I'll consider it," he answered which brought a smile to Hermione's face, "I haven't decided, but I promise I will think about it."

Hermione practically launched herself at him in a tight embrace. "Thank you," she whispered softly into his neck.

When she loosened her grip, Draco looked down at her lips and immediately kissed her. She let her fingers thread through his hair as she kissed him back.

Suddenly, Harry walked into the room. His hand was in the middle of riffling his hair when he froze and saw the two of them together.

Draco and Hermione immediately stopped and removed themselves from each other's grasps.

Harry looked at Hermione carefully then to Draco with a unreadable expression.

"This will never stop being weird," is all Harry said before he disappeared into the hallway.

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