~At the store~

"I WILL GET THE TROLLEY!!" Leo shouts/screams as he runs towards the trolley park. He grabs a trolley and starts to run back to us but he nearly knocks over an elderly couple so they start shouting at him for being to immature. All of us, including Blair burst out laughing because the old lady is now hitting him with her bag. He shouts sorry and runs towards us being careful not to get in the way of anybody else.

We walk into tesco, and immediately Leo runs towards the CDs and picks up a copy of hopeful and he starts waving it around.

"PLEASE HELP ME GOD, I FEEL SO ALONE. CHARLIE, GET OVER HERE SO I'M NOT ALONE!" He yells, causing everyone to look at him, including a brown haired girls who runs over, screeching.


I can feel my face paling. I throw the trolley aside and run through the aisles, knocking stuff of the shelves as I go.

"HELP MEEEEEEE!" I yell, as I feel her breath on the back of my neck.

"Charlie!" She yells, and attaches her lips to mine.

I pull away, wiping spit off my mouth, and leg it down the TV aisle. Unfortunately, Blair is stood in front of me, and he is not happy.

"Charlie. We are leaving, now," he grumbles. "Pick a TV, and get rid of this annoying girl."

"I'm Tegan," she says, and smiles aggressively. "I'm engaged to Charlie."

"She's lying!" I blurt, when I see a flash in the corner of my eye.

"PAPS!" I yell, and duck under a high shelf, tucking my knees into my chest.

"HEEELLOOOOO!" Leo says in an extremely high pitched voice.

I cover my ears. "Shut up! What is wrong with your voice?"


"What are you on?"

Suddenly Lara appears.

"He crashed into a load of helium balloons and they all popped in his face," she informs me, grabbing Leondre. I see another flash.

"THEY HAVE CAMERAS!" Leo yells in his high-pitched voice, and grabs my arm. We stand up, and bump into a fat woman who frowns deeply.

"Rude little children," she scolds.

"SOMEONE ATE ALL THE PIES!" Leondre says to her, and then leads me up the elavator. We stand in the elevator.

"Charlie, have you ever eaten raw onion?" He asks, his voice back to normal again.

"Um...yeah?" I reply.

"It gives me gas."


"Guess what I had for breakfast?"

Oh no. I jump over to the buttons and press them frantically.

Leo farts loudly, and giggles.

"I'M BEING GASSED!" I scream, when Leo grabs onto my shoulders and plants a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

Suddenly, the elevator doors open, and I am blinded by flashes of light. Blair emerges and grabs me and Leondre, and leads us out of the shop, where Dan, Lauren, and Lara are standing.

"You two are in big, big trouble."

Next Day - Leo's P.O.V

"Why are we grounded again?" I question Karen.

"Well, Leondre, you screamed in the supermarket, trashed the electronically aisle, popped fifty percent of their balloon stock, drank all their helium, and broke the elevator."


Charlie comes down the stairs.

"Do you want me to get a newspaper from the shop?" He asks his mum.

"OK, but nothing else. No sweets, or ice creams."


Me and Charlie walk to the off-license, and look at the newspapers.

"The sun!" I say, and open the page. I am faced with an unpleasant image.

"OH MY GOD MY POOR INNOCENT EYES!" I yell, and toss the newspaper aside. "Charlie!"

Charlie ignores me. He is staring, open mouthed at HELLO!

"Hello?" I say, and laugh. He nudges me.

I glance at the newspaper, and see me and Charlie. We are standing in the elevator at tesco, me holding onto Charlie's back and kissing his cheek.



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