16-1: Dead Girl's Crater

Start from the beginning

"You?" croaked the druid, recalling the last time he had seen Abbikson at Lytette's oasis. "You?" he repeated with sour tone, remembering the smug smile of the man. "You? I challenge you—"

"Calm down, boys!" interrupted Lytette with a hint of a chuckle.

Cedwyck glared at Abbikson in silence as the voices continued around him. He had seen the old man at the Dreamer's Oasis more than once. He'd always known that Lytette entertained other guests, but—

"Cedwyck. What happened to your acolyte?"

It was Ryleine. The girl was odd to say the least, out of place. Cedwyck briefly searched around for any evidence of the acolyte, but found none.

"He didn't work out," he said. "I had to let him go."

"What? Out here?"

Cedwyck glanced around at his audience, realising none of them would understand. He searched his mind for an explanation that wouldn't result in aggressive retribution.

"Well," he began cautiously, not knowing where he was going with it, "you see—"

Lytette cut him off just in time, and the attention of the party was turned to her. She explained the attack using few words. The Three had been after Irikhart; they wanted him alive. They had intended no such thing for the rest of them. Cedwyck knew enough about the gods to not get involved in their disputes, but it seemed he had somehow been dragged into a fight by escorting Irikhart. Who would have thought that the god of fools would attract so much attention?

"We should proceed with haste," said the demon-goddess, interrupting Cedwyck's thoughts, "before The Three return. They will be watching us, and their strength will only increase with time."

"Increase?" queried Irikhart. "But surely they are mortal in this realm?"

"You truly are a fool, aren't you? Have you not seen your reflection recently?"

The god of fools glanced around hesitantly, a little confused. Lytette chuckled and shook her head.

"The descent takes it out of you, damn near kills you. In fact, it has killed many who have tried it. But once you land, your strength returns quickly, and you return to your former glorious self. Immortal."

"So, I didn't give up my immortality? Sacrifice everything for the mortal I love?"

"No, you just foolishly smashed into the dirt on Renryre Island for the love of a beautiful girl that has never heard of you, and likely will never be interested."

Even Cedwyck saw the demon-goddess glance longingly at Abbikson. His heart felt heavy as he understood: he was the other guy.

"But, Ryleine..." protested Irikhart. "She will be mine, once I have proven my love."

Ryleine, evidently, was preoccupied with studying the desert. The sands themselves, every grain, unique and interesting. Kyrnrie, on the other hand, was following the conversation intently.

"If you had spent less time watching pretty girls, and turned your attention to me," said Lytette, "you may have realised that it's not quite as simple as it seems from above."

"There is no way back?" asked Ryleine with a soft, pained voice.

"There may be," answered Lytette thoughtfully. "But now is not the time to discuss it. We must move on. We must find the coins before The Three regain their strength."

"Will you come with us?" asked Kyrnrie. "We will be safe with you as our protector."

"If only that were true," sighed the demon-goddess. "But yes, I will escort you to Fools' Escape."

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