I devoured two plates of the food, it's was honestly the best thing I've ever tasted.

After dinner Magnus put on the television and we sat together on the couch, sharing long and languid kisses.

"Babe" Magnus said.

"Mm?" I replied, trying to catch his lips back in a kiss.

"Can I show you something?" He asked.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I can't really explain but can I?" Magnus seemed so uncertain, like he was preparing to be...rejected?

"Of course, I trust you" I told him. He smiled at me.

"Close your eyes" he instructed me and I complied.

I felt his cool hands on the base of my neck and then a spark traveled through my body. And a scene took place behind my eyelids.

I looked around, I seemed to be at a gala of some type. There was sweet music that entered my ears, the hypnotic type that makes you lose all focus. I saw the ballroom was coated in gold.

People were swaying to the music as if they were on narcotics. Their moves were loose, as if they were almost asleep.

I was walking through the crowd towards the podium. I was handed a chalice made of gold and adorned with rubies and sapphires, with a red liquid in it by a familiar looking man, I had seen him at the Downworlders ball off the coast from the Bronx

"Good job son, I'm proud of you Magnus" the man said.

"Thank you father" I head Magnus' voice say.

I drunk the liquid. It tasted like iron. It was blood. The scene went black and changed.

I felt soft sheets underneath me. My eyes opened and met a pair of deep violet ones. He stretched and rubbed his eyes, staring back at me.

"Hey, you sleep well?" He asked.

"You would know if I didn't" I, Magnus, replied.

"True, I still like asking though" the other man said. His voice was soft and sweet.

"I know, and I slept well. That festival was one for the Angels" I replied.

"Yes it was" the other man agreed.

"So it's angel approved?" Magnus asked, a smirk playing in his lips

"Yes it is" The other man said with a laugh.

I saw a single rune mark the other man's shoulder, it was a parabatai rune.

"Sorry I have to go" I said, getting up to leave.

"I already miss you" the man on the bed said.

"I'm always right here, duty calls though" I replied, pulling on a jacket over my fully clothed body.

"See you later" he said and brushed a hand over the parabatai rune. I felt shivers run down my spine.

The scene shifted again. I was now in a dark study, everything had a red tint to it. This time I wasn't looking through Magnus' eyes, I was watching from off to the side.

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