My closet is divided into sections. I know this is hard to believe, but I have baby clothes, toddler clothes, children's clothes, middle school clothes, and my 'now' clothes, I guess. It didn't help that I didn't ever feel like parting with any of my clothes.

Zoey walked over to the 'baby clothes' section, as I would call it. "You have clothes from when you were a baby?" she asked, trying hard not to laugh.

"Yeah. My mom didn't want to throw them all out, and they bring back good memories," I said, pretending to look far off into the distance. Zoey laughed.

"Haha. Memories of when you were being breast fed?" she asked, guffawing.

"Not funny, Summers," I said, glaring at her.

"Fine. So, are you finally going to part with you wittle baby cwothes, Ewic?" she asked, mocking me.

"No, wittle pumpkin. Do you need a time out or can you learn to behave?" I asked her, mimicking her tone.

"Haha. Okay, but seriously. Are you going to?" she asked, with a serious face on.

"Yeah. I guess. I really don't see how they would be of any use to me. Might as well give them away..." I said sadly. I hated parting with my clothes.

"Okay then. Where should we put them?" she asked, looking around.

"I guess we can put them in plastic bags after folding them," I said.

"Okay. Let's get to work," she said, grabbing all my baby clothes and dumping them on the floor.

"Be careful!" I said perplexed. I didn't want to see my baby clothe go to waste.

"Seriously, Eric? Relax," she said, rolling her eyes.

So, I sat down on the floor too and began folding all my baby clothes. The shorts, the pants, the shirts, the sweaters, and the jackets.

By the time we were finished with my baby clothes, two garbage bags were loaded.

"Damn. Who would ever think a guy could have so many baby clothes?" Zoey said, exasperated.

"Shut up. You're acting like you never had baby clothes," I said.

"Well, it's not like I kept them," she said, rolling her eyes. She got up and grabbed my toddler clothing now.

"Just fold the clothes, retard," I said.

We worked through the all my clothing through the middle school clothes. Ten garbage bags were filled now.

"Whew," she said, lying down on the carpeted floor. Now there were probably two hundred hangers on the bars.

"Y'know, this doesn't mean you should buy more clothes, okay?" she said, laughing.

"Haha, I know. I didn't really plan on it," he said, smiling.

"I think I should get rid of some of my regular clothes too. They are too small on me," I said, getting up.

"Too small, huh? Yeah right. You just want an excuse to buy more clothes," Zoey said, tsking.

"I'm not lying. I'll prove it to you," I said. I can't believe she thought I was lying.

"Yeah? How are you going to do that?" she asked.

I grabbed a shirt that I knew was kind of small on me and grabbed it off a hanger. I took of the shirt I was wearing and-

"Whoa! W-what are you doing?! I'm here too, you know," she said, backing up into a wall.

"Yeah, and?" I asked, looking at her weirdly. I mean, why was she getting freaked out over the fact that I didn't have my shirt on?

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