Chapter 23

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Sorry I didn't post for a while! I was busy studying for my SATs and the chaos with school starting did not help. So, this is for y'all out there! Vote and be sure to COMMENT!!!!

Zoey's POV

Good thing Halloween is on a Friday, otherwise I would have been pretty passed out this morning. In fact, I woke up at ten.

Groaning and moaning, I wheeled myself out of bed and took a quick showers. It felt so good to have warm water flowing across my body. My muscles relaxed and I felt as if I were flying in air.

Today was November, I though as I stepped out of the shower to get dressed. Since it was quite chilly, I wore thick sweatpants and a thick fleece sweater. They made me feel warm.

Now, I'm usually not someone to oversleep, but I guess I was really tired the day before. I wonder if Eric was up. And what about Jarrett? Just the thought of him was making me mad. Speaking of Jarrett, he and the Valentines never did get back... or did they?

Brushing my hair and braiding it, I opened the door and went downstairs. Yup, they were all up. I could hear Mr. and Mrs. Valentine's laughter along with Jarrett's occasional grunts. Was Eric there too?

I walked into the kitchen where most of the sound seemed to be coming from. I saw Mrs. Valentine sitting down next to Jarrett, both eating oatmeal. Mr. Valentine seemed to be getting seconds of the oatmeal. Well, where was Eric?

"Good morning," I said cheerily, making everyone look at me.

"Morning, sweetie. How was the party?" Mrs. V asked. I saw Jarrett giving me a once over and raising his eyebrows. What was his problem?

"The party was great. How was the dinner?" I asked, trying to be uninterested.

"It was fine. Too much traffic on the interstate though. We're never taking it again," said Mr. V, shaking his head.

"Oh. That's too bad. Um, where's Eric?" I asked, looking around.

"Why are you so interested in Eric? Are you in love with him or something?" Jarrett asked, making a disgusted face. Wait- what?! Did he just ask me that? I felt my jaw drop.

Mr. and Mrs. V looked at me, stupefied, sort of. Then they looked back to Jarrett, as if he was mad. Well, he was mad. How could he ask me that?

"I really don't see how that's any of your business, Jarrett. So, could you stop harassing her and I don't know, leave her alone?" said an angry voice echoing from the door of the pantry. I turned towards the door and saw Eric, really mad, absolutely fuming! He had cinnamon in his hands.

Setting the cinnamon on the counter in front of Jarrett, he said, "Here is the cinnamon, /big brother/." (He said it rather nastily, might I add...)

He grabbed my hand and yanked me through the screen doors of the kitchen to the backyard.

The Valentine's backyard, heh heh, doesn't look like a typical backyard. It looks more like, I don't know. The whole backyard is surrounded by a fence that pretty much runs around their whole land. The have huge trees too. In the middle is a huge pool that is covered for when it rains and whatnot. Across from the pool is a garden with almost all the fruits, veggies, and flowers you could possibly imagine. Well, now they were starting to get somewhat brown because it was fall. Most of the leaves were falling too. On the adjacent side of the garden was a small, looking house that was in actuality, a shed with a security system. (I figured out the security system part when I went to go get a watering can. How nice. It was embarrassing though) In front of the pool is an open space for like sunbathing and just sitting. There was also a patio in the far right hand corner and a mobile one inside the shed. Various benches were located around the yard. It was all... funny to me. Very funny.

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