Chapter Six - Nuptials

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The ceremony was beautiful they both said I do and at the end of it my best friend became Mrs Belle Black, the night was amazing too the bride and groom danced beautifully then it was time for the maid of honor and best man dance that Belle and Luca insisted was a tradition but refused to let Nico do it instead of Dante but I didn't mind it was definitely a wedding I'll never forget.

Nico's POV: a while after the wedding Dante and Luca's cousin from Dom's side showed up he was quiet didn't really speak he congratulated Belle and Luca said hey to Dante and left Ricci's always been reserved but he hates me but that's for another day Luca and his bride said their goodbyes and there was just a few people left as the night came around Lill's and Dante pretty much owned the dance floor they had barely stopped dancing together so much for not being a couple I went to a secluded part of the beach and called Aria "hello?" "hey beautiful" "Nico?" "how did you know?" "I'm a little bit psychic and I was so sure it was you.. and I have caller ID" I laughed a bit she's funny "fancy meeting for a drink?" "now? aren't you at a wedding?" "not much of a wedding if the bride and groom left" "why not then I'll meet you at Vitelli's in ten?" "sounds perfect see you then tesoro", I sat at the bar until I felt a presence behind me I turned and saw her "hey, sorry I'm a little late" "you showed up that's all I care about" her cheeks went red and she sat down next to me "what's your poison?" "bittersweet cocktail, what's yours?" "whiskey" I replied back she crossed her legs and sipped her drink slowly there's only one way I'm leaving here tonight and that's if she comes with me.

I woke up next to Dante in the guest room we went to the closest room "Jesus Christ Dante!" Nico said covering his eyes poor guy this always happens to him "mommy, daddy!" Jonas came running in the room "mommy I wanna play" "you heard him Dante he wants to 'play' with you guys" Nico said laughing "fuck off Nico!" Dante roared from the bed "I'm going, I'm going come on little man" he said picking up Jonas "was he wearing the same as clothes as last night?" I said to Dante "babe it's Nico he takes a different girl to bed every night" "I better get up and get Jonas some food".

Dante's POV: I walked past Nico's room and heard something I looked in the door and saw a familiar girl it was the same girl from the club she went to walk out of the room and ran into me "I'm so sorry!" she said standing up I went to grab her bag for her but her ID fell out and I looked at it what have you gotten into Nico? "Aria is it?" "y-yes" "don't come back here Aria" I said sternly and she ran downstairs and out the door now I need to find my idiotic cugino I went outside where he was on the beach with Jonas "NICO!" "jeez Dante I said I was I sorry for walking in on you" "I don't care about that, what I care about is that you're fucking a sixteen year old!" "the fuck did you just say!?" "Aria Roberts, she's sixteen years old her ID fell out of her purse" "I've already seen her ID she's 23" "fake IDs cugino" "SHE LIED TO ME?!" "don't contact her again I've already told her not to come back, the last thing we need is the feds poking around here" "or me on a sexual assault charge" "maybe that'll teach you not to be so stupid" "fuck off Dante" "I'm only giving you shit cugino, but I'm serious don't ever see her again" "oh trust me, she's history".

I walked into Jonas' room and he was jumping on the bed again "are you and daddy going to get married too?" "I don't know about that honey" "I like daddy he's funny and takes me for ice cream" "well I'm glad you have fun with him honey" "come jump with me mommy" "I think I'll break the bed honey" "pleeease mommy" "just for a minute" I climbed on the bed and jumped with Jonas "what the fuck are you two doing?" Dante said as he walked into the room "shit Dante you scared me!" "what are you doing?" "jumping with my son, come join us" "why not" he climbed onto the bed and jumped next to Jonas "what the actual fuck are you guys doing?" Nico said as he walked in with Maria "family bonding" Dante responded "you're half naked for fuck sake Dante" Maria said "this is weird" Nico choked out through his laughter "you should've learnt by now to knock" Dante said "you look so cute" Maria said "they look fucking insane" Nico said "fuck up Nico" Dante said "wait Dante what did you come in here for?" I said jumping off the bed "just checking on my son" he said as he stopped jumping "my son" I said "our son" he said sternly and it made my knees weak OUR son is music to my ears "come with me" he said taking my hand "where?" "just come on" he said pulling me "they sure are a strange pair" Maria said "you're telling me" Nico replied.

4 months later.

Okay so let's just say Dante and I have fucked up again, yeah you guessed it I'm pregnant again but this time Dante was 100% on board my belly has grown twice the size I was when I was pregnant with Jonas everyone is taking bets that it's twins mafia men what can you do? "mommy come play with me" "mommy's too tired sweetie" "go find uncle Nico" Dante said "okay!" Jonas said and ran to Nico "stop unloading your kid onto me!" Nico called out "what are your plans for today baby" I asked "we have a shipment coming in at 11:00 then I'm taking you out" "where to?" "it's a surprise sugar" there's that nickname again he calls me it pretty regularly and I have no idea why "why do you call me sugar all the time?" "I swear to god if you say I remind you of one of your old strippers" he laughed and took my hand "it's because when we had our first kiss your lips tasted like sugar" oh that's a much sweeter reason than I thought "shit I'm late, I'll see you later baby" "bye" I said and went to find Jonas.

Luca's POV: our honeymoon was amazing and halfway through Belle's belly finally popped and we're finally going home "I'm so happy to finally go home" she said "me too baby" I replied although having a 16 week vacation with my beautiful wife was beyond amazing I missed my crazy family and Belle was anxious to see if Lilly ended up going back home I saw the way her and Dante were there's no way she left or will leave for that matter "we're nearly home baby" I said as Belle watched out the window.

Leo's POV: after I saw Lill's a mysterious call was phoned in and I was arrested under embezzlement and armed robbery I got 5 years but I guess it's my lucky day "inmate 1 Leo Stakes, in prison for 5 years, let out on good behavior 2 years early" a female officer said "today's your lucky day" a male officer said "don't do me any favors there" I said lighting a cigarette "watch it smart ass and move!" I walked to the front desk and they gave me all my belongings "since I'm out can I get your number cutie?" I said to the female officer "not in this lifetime, now leave before I throw you back in there" she said and walked away I'm finally free and I know exactly what I'm going to do kill DANTE BLACK.

Nico's POV: we were called in by Dante's father we had to go on a mission that required someone single and of course I had to be the one "how many fucking times do I have to tell you guys, I don't do tuxes" I said fixing the stupid bow tie "it's just till you get information from her" Dante said "it won't be that long then, all the girls want the same thing" "and what might that be?" Dante said "a 6ft blonde Italian stallion" I said flexing "just go" Dante choked out through his laughter, I walked up to her "am I late?" I said sitting next to her "oh you're only" "2 hours late!" she said I'm going off her attitude she's not happy "sorry baby, I lost track of time" she death stared me "come on baby I'll make it up to you" "you'd better" "why don't we just skip straight to dessert" "excuse me?" "oh come on, let's just ditch and have some fun" "what" "oh come on, we both know you want it" "you're a pig!" "and you're sexy" "I'm leaving!" as she stormed away Dante called me "hello?" "no I didn't get any information she went crazy over nothing" "fucking women" as I was talking to Dante I noticed a familiar face "I gotta go cugino" I walked outside and caught up to her "Aria?" I said she stopped and hesitated then turn to face me my heart stopped she had a huge swollen belly "Nico!?" "are you fucking kidding me!?" she took a deep breath.

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