Rising Star

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" HI all my z88.3 listeners. Today I have a guest star coming all the way from London. Her name is Melody Nicol and she is going to tell us her story, and maybe a song?" Gabby said " Yes! I was a struggling teenager, I had to deal with divorces, trying to find myself in the mix, and then it got so stressful I thought of suicide. Which is never the answer to solve any real world problems. So when I was at UCLA regional center they placed me in their detention center for mental health. It was not fun at all; But they do get the job done. To talk about your current situation, and doing exercises to help us keep our cool. So I will give them props; But in the midst of all of that trauma. I found god and he helped me change who I wanted to be in life. I don't want to be a explicit model, I don't want to be this average singer that everyone wanted me to be. I want to be a game changer in faith to help people who are just like me who are struggling through suicide. Or even if its not suicide its overcoming bullies in school, or moving to a new town. So That is my goal in life to help encourage people. So my favorite doctors at the place was Dr. Jane she told me instead of channeling my anger into hate, do something that I really love. That is music. So I have a song for you guys that are going through some things and I hope you enjoy it." Melody said " That is a power testimony. Here is Melody performing her original song siren." Gabby said

                                                                       S I R E N 

                                                           By: Melody Nicol ( Written by @OfficialMollyKing)

In a cloud of storms. I can't see your face. I want to mourn. I think i'm fading away. I want to be with you. Can't you hear me now? I live for your glory. I can hear the siren.  Chorus You break away my fears. You took away my pain. I live for the moment. I am thankful that your here. I want to be with you. I can here the siren again. You light raise me up. I am rejoicing in you.... My god.

"Woah! Melody! Round of applause for her being here today coming to America! Sharing her testimony, and her new song Siren! Which you could download now from the iTunes store or google play music!" Gabby said " Thank you for having me here! And remember you guys are not alone." Melody said 

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