Career Begins

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"Hey sunshine." Macy said " Nana? its like five in the morning. What are you doing here?" Melody asked " Actually is ten in the morning. Your mother wanted to take you to the contractor. Instead she has me on duty today." Macy said " So, how do you get use to the different time zones?" Melody asked " You will. It took me about two months to get use to the American time. But come on; Breakfast is on the table and your clothes is set out in the show room." Macy said " This isn't breakfast nana?" Melody said " Well it is for now. You want to be a model. You have to act like a model." Macy said " What is this?" Melody asked " Green smoothie its very healthy for I want you to chug half of that for your meal or eat the hard boiled egg. Your choice!" Macy said " Ugh!" Melody said " Here is your options in clothing." Macy said " Woah. I like to wear this one." Melody said " Are you sure?" Macy asked " Yeah, its stylish." Melody said " I want you to wear this." Macy said " I rarely wear all my stuff out like that." Melody said " I've seen your pictures on social media you do. Put this on and we have to go." Macy said " Ugh." Melody said

" Hi ladies who received my call about joining the model management team. I have thirteen models here beside me but I only could choose one to be my sponsor for the year." Mike camp is said " I thought it was a meeting, like a one on one." Melody cried " Look, you will get this. Show him that you have some confidence and perk up girl." Macy said " Okay." Melody said " Melody.. Damn." Mike said " Thank you" Melody said " How old are you?" Mike asked " Seveenteen." Melody said " I thought you were in your twenties. You would be a great sponsor for Model Management. I don't even have to consult with the other twelve girls." Mike said " So I've got it?" Melody asked " You've have it! Be here at eight a.m. sharp and we could discuss your options." Mike said " Yes! That sounds like a plan. Thank you." Melody said " See, I told you, you'll land the job!" Macy said " Hello ladies Thank you for waiting. I do apologize as the CEO of model management my chairman had no interest in any of you. But don't go away with a long face. We do have career opportunities if you like to model with hair. Thankyou all for coming." Mike said " Wow." Melody said " Your career is in the making girl." Macy said " Here is the contract and please be on time at eight a.m. the chairman and the board will be here to discuss any questions you have with the contract that you looked over. So study this like its your bible and be on time! Or no deal." Mike said " Will do." Melody said

" Damn girl." Kid Culprit said " Mother? Why you have my daughter dress like a slut?" Noni asked " It landed her the deal with model management and she will speak with chairman and CEO at eight a.m tommorow." Macy said " Is that true?" Noni asked " Yes. Here is the contract mom." Melody said " That's my girl. Now go change into something decent please." Noni said " Okay." Melody said

" I don't know of this is a good idea." Noni said " What do you mean?" Macy asked " You have her dressing like a slut. That is not model material." Noni cried " Noni, baby she's hot." Kid Culprit said " That is not appropriate. and This Mike dude he is a sexual predator." Noni said " But who wanted her to go to the modeling gig?... Hello.. You!" Macy said " Whatever, but once she realizes modeling is not hot anymore don't come crying to me for saving." Noni said " Like you've did when you fell off the balcony at the hotel after the billboard awards." Macy said " That was almost. And we'll never speak of that again!" Noni said " Mom?" Melody cried " Have a nice career Melody." Noni said " Noni!" Macy said " Fuck off mother!" Noni said " Excuse your mother Melody she doesn't mean to be upset this way." Kid Culprit said " I just don't know how to feel anymore." Melody cried " Get some rest and we will do something together ok." Kid Culprit said " Okay." Melody cried

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