"Sweet, sweet battery life." I say and Mina nods in agreement.

We then have to get changed into our hero gear.

My gear is a black bikini top with black short shorts, black fingerless golves, a black mask that covers around her eyes, nowhere else, just there, a belt with water capsules, black knee high boots and my hair is tied back into a messy bun, leaving out my bangs that still rest over my left eye.

"Ray, why?" Izu asks as I wait for him in my suit.

"Why what?" I ask him.

"Why is your outfit so revealing?" Izu asks me.

"It goes with my quirk." I say with a shrug and he sighs and we walk out and I watch All Might try not to laugh at Izu's outfit.

We end up in a training area and I deadpan as I get pushed into the center of one of the fields.

"What is going on?" I ask confused.

"We're gonna time you to see how fast you can find the bomb and stop it before it explodes, why? Because there is an odd amount of students and you don't seem like the teamwork type." All Might says to me grinning.

"How much time does the bomb have?" I ask.

"When you get to the floor, you'll hear ticking, from then on you'll have 5 minutes to disarm the bomb and release the hostages which will be the other students in the class." All Might says to me and I nod.

"And, when do I start?" I ask.

"I'll tell you when, just close your eyes." All Might says to me and I nod.

I close my eyes and wait about five minutes.

"Alright, you can start whenever." All Might says to new from the booth.

I nod and start running up the stairs looking around and thinking.

Where would a bomb be hidden in a vast training building? It wouldn't be behind pillars, far too easy to spot, maybe the basement area? Well I'm going up, might as well check the roof first.

I get to the roof and I don't hear ticking.

"Damn I need to work on my endurance." I say as I breath heavily and I turn around and start dashing down the steps. I slip on one step and I slide down them and I land at the bottom of the landing and I groan. "Ow, damn stairs, this is why escaltors and elevators are a thing, so we don't have to trip or slip on stairs." I say as I get up and I kick the stair before I jump down the next flight and I slide on the railing since I can't fall on that. I get to the basement and I see Izu and the others and I listen for a ticking. Once I hear it I follow the sound to a pillar and I break it with my quirk and the bomb falls out. I drown the bomb and just as extra measure, I stomp on it a few times before I'm sure its dead.

"So cruel." Ida says shocked.

I walk over and I cut them loose with a water dagger that I made.

"There, how long?" I ask.

"8 minutes, a new record for U.A. High." All Might says grinning.

Bakugou's eye twitches.

"Awesome, I'm better than Bakugou." I say with a smirk and he growls at me as I walk up the stairs.

"Damn you Midoriya." Bakugou says following me annoyed.

"Oh fuck you Bakugou." I say to him as I roll my eyes and I ignore the pain in my ass and my back from when I fell on the stairs.

"No, fuck you Midoriya." Bakugou says to me annoyed.

"Fuck you right back Bakugou." I say to him with a snort of annoyance.

"Fuck you." Bakugou says to me.

"Hey Bakugou, I've got a song for you." I say as I walk up the stairs backwards while facing him.

"What?" Bakugou asks me annoyed.

"Your a bitch!" I sing and he glares at me and just as he's about to talk I continue. "Your a bitch, a bitch, a bitch, a biiiiitch!"

"You think they love each other or not?" Mina asks Ochako.

"Who knows." She says smiling.

"Well fuck you bitch!" Bakugou says to me pissed off.

"No, fuck you bastard!" I say to him annoyed.

"Please calm down you two." Izu says to us nervously.

"I will if he will." I say and I trip on the stair behind me and Bakugou grabs my arm before I take everyone else down with me like a bowling ball to bowling pins.

"Fine, she's annoying anyways." Bakugou says and I puff my cheek out in a pout as I walk up the stairs.

We get to the booth and I don't sit down, I just stand against the wall, leaning on my arm and not my back and Aizawa smirks at me and I scowl back.

"You having trouble Ray?" Aizawa asks and I flip him off.

"What happened?" Izu asks him.

"I slipped, down the steps, on accident, and crash landed to the landing on floor 2." I say with a nervous sweat drop.

Bakugou at first snickers, and then he starts full on laughing.

My eye twitches in annoyance as I look at him, and then I drown him and he glares at me.

"These two love each other." Mina says to Ochako who sweat drops.

"I'm pretty sure if they were to fight for rela they'd kill each other." Ochako says to her.

"Probably." Momo says to her.

"They didn't kill each other while they were stuck in that room." Aizawa says to them in boredom.

I drown Aizawa and he spits out water, expecting that.

"Two hotheads." Aizawa says to himself annoyed.

"She's always had a temper Sensei." Izu says to him nervously.

Bakugou tries blowing me up, but I stop him. "You bitch." Bakugou says to me pissed.

"Fuck you." I say flipping him off, fairly irritated.

We then get on to the thing, which is a villain hero thing where the hero's either capture the villains or capture the second bomb that I didn't destroy.

The first villain team is Bakugou and Ida, the first hero team is Izu and Ochako.

"This is already messed up." I say and Mina nods in agreement.

I watch what they do and I see Bakugou go after Izu and my eye twitches in annoyance as the two basically fight to death while the other two are practically having a play date.

I watch the four until Izu wins and I ignore Bakugou.

I watch the other fights and all that, watching everyone's quirks to know who not to piss off.

After this, we change and head back to class.

After school, I escape and head home.

I head straight to my room and I change and lay on my bed on my phone.

After a while I crawl under my blankets and I fall asleep.

Deku's Adoptive Sister (My Hero Academia Fan-Fic) Where stories live. Discover now